Health, Lifestyle, Nutrition

When to Choose Organic Fruits and Vegetables

Last week we had a nutrition presentation for staff here at TOPS Headquarters. A lot of great information was shared and employees had the opportunity to think about nutrition in a different way. One of the topics touched on was organic foods. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, organic agriculture uses methods that preserve the environment and avoid…

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Health, Lifestyle, Nutrition

Be Mindful of Game Day Snacks

Like many football fans here in Wisconsin, I was very disappointed to see that our favorite team would not be making it to this year’s big game to be held in Arizona on Sunday, February 1. Even more depressing was thinking about how many calories were in the over-sized soft pretzel I had just eaten (with friends, in my defense)…

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Health, Lifestyle, Weight Loss

Sleep Deprivation and Weight

We all get the same 24 hours in a day. Yet it seems many of us pride ourselves on cramming as much as we possibly can into these 24 hours, often at the expense of sleep. When we factor in working, maintaining a family life, keeping in touch with friends, running errands, and pursuing our hobbies, interests and favorite activities,…

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Health, Lifestyle, Nutrition

6 Foods to Help You Stay Healthy this Winter

Balanced nutrition is important all year long, but should take center stage in the winter months when germs, colds, and flus abound. According to Registered Dietitian and nutrition expert for TOPS, Dena McDowell, the following 6 foods can help you stay healthy this winter. Fish: Choosing fatty fish such as tuna, mackerel, sardines and salmon will help increase your intake…

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test tubes colorful
Health, Nutrition

The Truth about Food Additives

Okay, so you’ve probably never said this, but you probably have had a craving for ice cream. I found the aforementioned ingredients while scanning a pint of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. This got me thinking: Just how many of these types of ingredients do we eat in a typical day…and should we be concerned? My ingredients list scanning…

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Outdoor Gym
Health, Lifestyle

Stay Healthy While Traveling

I recently flew to Las Vegas to escape the chill of Wisconsin for a bit. Before I left, I announced to my workplace TOPS chapter that my goal was to not gain any weight while on vacation. Our weekly meetings include a weigh-in and I wanted to make sure that I could face the scale with confidence when I returned.…

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Stressed Office Worker
Health, Lifestyle, Stress

Stress Awareness Month

Do you feel stressed? Does this question seem as annoying as stress itself? If you answered “yes” to one (or both) of these questions, take a minute out of your busy day to read on. April is Stress Awareness Month and the perfect time to address this seemingly ever-present issue. Chronic stress does a body bad, but you may not…

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