Real People. Real Weight Loss.®

Helping Millions to Take Off Pounds Sensibly Since 1948.

Real People… Real Risks

Yesterday, I was reading a news article that a good friend had shared with me. In South America, there is a tribe whose members had been dying prematurely for generations. The cause was a rare disease. Scientists finally discovered it was carried by an insect that lived in the walls of their adobe lodgings. The natives had a choice of several solutions. They could destroy the insects with a pesticide. They could tear down and rebuild their homes. They could move to where that species of insect didn’t live. Or they could do nothing and continue to die young. In the end, they chose the last alternative. For the temporary, often illusory comfort of staying as they are, they paid the terrible price of a life not truly lived.

I put the piece down, shook my head in disbelief and then paused. I reconsidered what I had just read. I reflected on the many people who I have known who have very similar circumstances in a more modern setting. I have dear friends who smoked, being fully aware of the risks and potential impact, but who chose to continue smoking and shortened their lives as a result. I have family who dealt with alcohol unsuccessfully, and their time with all who loved them was shortened by decades. Then, I remembered aunts and uncles who lost limbs (and eventually lives) to diabetes because they were unwilling to choose changes that they knew could help them deal with this life and limb-threatening illness. That lead me to consider the many people I know who have serious health issues associated with obesity. Even in modern civilization, we seem to be no more capable of choosing the more enduring, healthy path than this remote South American tribe.

I wonder if it is human nature to want to choose the path of no change, involving the least resistance and least effort. I am grateful for the support and strength of fellow members in this organization. They remind each other often that while risk comes with a price, the price one pays for being unwilling to risk may, in fact, be greater. Staying within our individual or group comfort zones or maintaining the status quo are not necessarily good things.

It is an unquestionable truth that in order to become who I can be, I must be willing to give up being who I am. So what will it be? Are we going to live our lives fully…or simply live our lives without choosing to change what we know should be changed?

I Care, Barb

Ostrich hiding head in sand

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