Cauliflower Pizza Crust
Nutrition, Recipes

Gluten-Free Pizza Crust

There’s been plenty of buzz about gluten lately. But what exactly is gluten? Here’s your nutrition lesson for the day courtesy of Katie Ferraro, a Registered Dietitian and nutrition expert for TOPS: Gluten is the protein found in wheat, rye and barley. It gives elasticity to bread dough and provides structural support in baking. Those with gluten sensitivity aren’t allergic…

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Woman Holding a Mug with a Handkerchief to Her Nose
Health, Lifestyle

Avoid the Flu this Winter

Did you know that nearly 111 million workdays are lost due to the flu each flu season? That equals almost $7 billion per year in sick days and lost productivity. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, flu season peaks in January and February, making now a great time to focus on prevention, prevention, prevention! So how can…

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Balancing Work and Play

I once had a college professor tell our class, “The nice thing about the truth is that you don’t have to remember it.” Be honest – how often do you find yourself making an elaborate excuse to get out of plans with a friend or a personal obligation? Many times, after a long day at work, following through with plans…

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Lifestyle, Motivation

Strategies to Keep Your Cool

As summer approaches and the weather heats up it’s important to remember to keep cool…in the workplace, that is. This week I’m excited to share an article from Angela Fischer, Director of Human Resource Services for MRA, The Management Association, Inc. Strategies to Keep Your Cool by Angela Fischer Angry Birds, the most downloaded game of all time, surfaced a…

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Woman Sleeping
Health, Lifestyle, Wellness

5 Tips for Better Sleep

When it comes to health and wellness, nutrition and exercise seem to get all the attention. But, as we’re trying our best to eat more fruits and veggies and move more, we should also be placing better sleep at the top of our health priority list. According to the Institute of Medicine, people running on poor sleep are more likely…

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April National Humor Month
Lifestyle, Work

Three Reasons We Should Laugh More at Work

Sarah Lange, the newest member of TOPS’ Outreach team, lends her voice to the Wellness Wednesday blog this week. Sarah has a passion for writing and wellness and is currently studying to become a certified yoga instructor. Three Reasons We Should Laugh More at Work by Sarah Lange Did you know that April is National Humor Month? While experts disagree…

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Health, Nutrition

Tips for a Healthy Barbecue

Here in the U.S., the upcoming Memorial Day weekend unofficially kicks off summer, which means barbecues, graduation parties, picnics, and other summer celebrations. If we’re not careful, it can be all too easy for these celebrations to become calorie fests. Try these tips for a healthy, and fun, summer barbecue: Get cozy with vegetables. When it comes to nutrition advice,…

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Lifestyle, Motivation, Weight Loss, Work

Tips for a Successful Weight-Loss Program

Are you thinking about starting a weight-loss program at your workplace? Or, perhaps you just wrapped up a weight-loss challenge and you’re wondering what to do next. Before you take the next step, check out these tips for running a successful weight-loss program at work: Designate a wellness/weight-management champion. This does not necessarily have to be someone in HR and…

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