Health, Lifestyle

Avoid the Flu this Winter

Woman Holding a Mug with a Handkerchief to Her NoseDid you know that nearly 111 million workdays are lost due to the flu each flu season? That equals almost $7 billion per year in sick days and lost productivity. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, flu season peaks in January and February, making now a great time to focus on prevention, prevention, prevention! So how can you stay healthy instead of spending unplanned time off curled up in sweatpants on the couch?

Check out these tips to beat the flu this season.

  • Practice good hand washing skills by humming the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice.
  • Wash hands thoroughly before and after visiting germ “hot spots” such as grocery stores, malls, airports and so on.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth as germs are easily transmitted this way.
  • Try to minimize or avoid contact with those who are already sick.
  • Wipe down and disinfect commonly touched surfaces like your keyboard and mouse, remote control and cell phone (your phone can carry more bacteria than a toilet seat!).
  • Consider getting a flu shot. It’s not too late and this vaccine may even be covered in part or in full by your insurance plan.

Finally, keep in mind that the same healthy habits that help you manage your weight can also help you avoid the flu. Get plenty of sleep, eat your fruits and vegetables, exercise regularly and get a handle on stress to give your immune system a boost. Don’t get let the flu blues get to you this winter. Instead, do all you can to prevent the bug so that you can plan, and enjoy, your time off from work.