Person doing yoga pose
Fitness, Motivation

“I Can’t Do Yoga Because…”

This week, I’m excited to once again have TOPS Publication Specialist Taylor Patton as my special guest blogger. “I can’t do yoga because I’m not flexible.” I’ve heard this excuse about 13 times—this year. Working at a yoga studio, flexibility is often a topic of conversation. I have wondered why it is that some people can touch their toes while…

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Keto word made from keto diet food
Featured, Health, Nutrition

Considering Keto? 5 Things to Know

The keto diet doesn’t seem to be losing steam any time soon. In fact, one budget-friendly grocery chain recently released its own ketogenic-friendly bread—and customers can’t get enough. It’s so popular and hard to find that people have even been selling it online! While we don’t tell members what to eat at TOPS, we support finding whatever meal plan works…

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Mexican street corn
Nutrition, Recipes

Make Your Own Mexican Street Corn

As summer slowly makes its official exit, its bounty of delicious fresh veggies is the gift that keeps on giving. You may have noticed your local grocery store is well-stocked with zucchini, tomatoes and, of course, corn! As a quick aside, I may be the only person who was only able to grow one measly zucchini from an entire plant…

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Making a decision
Lifestyle, Motivation

Are You Standing In Your Own Way?

I finally did it. After a year and a half of thinking about it, overthinking about it, and teetering on the fence, I officially signed up for my first “Introduction to Improv” course. “Improv” is short for improvisational comedy and leaves very little, if any, time for overthinking. I’m only three classes in, but I’m already learning new things, gaining…

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