Health, Lifestyle, Nutrition

6 Foods to Help You Stay Healthy this Winter

Balanced nutrition is important all year long, but should take center stage in the winter months when germs, colds, and flus abound. According to Registered Dietitian and nutrition expert for TOPS, Dena McDowell, the following 6 foods can help you stay healthy this winter. Fish: Choosing fatty fish such as tuna, mackerel, sardines and salmon will help increase your intake…

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Sweet Potato Pumpkins
Lifestyle, Nutrition

5 Ideas for Healthy Halloween Treats

Halloween is next week and that means the other holidays are right around the corner. This can present a challenge for those trying to stay on track with healthy goals. Fortunately, holiday treats and dishes don’t have to be loaded with calories, fat and sugar. Sometimes, all it takes is a little dose of creativity to make healthier options seem…

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Homemade Energy Bites
Nutrition, Recipes

Make Your Own Energy Bites

Including energy bars as part of your meal plan can be a great way to control calories and tide you over in between meals. But if you’ve ever taken a stroll down the energy/protein bar aisle at the store, you may have found the experience a little overwhelming. There are energy bars boasting “high fiber” or “low calorie,” and can…

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Spinach Smoothie
Nutrition, Recipes

A New Spin on Eating More Vegetables

A short while back, I blogged about trying a kale smoothie. Apparently, I’m not the only one who thinks that salad greens and fruit can peacefully coexist in a blended treat. Katie Ferraro, a Registered Dietitian and nutrition expert for TOPS, shared a couple of different “green” smoothie recipes in a past issue of TOPS News membership magazine. If you’re trying…

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Strawberry Chevre Spinach
Nutrition, Recipes

Summer Salad Recipe

There are so many things to love about summer here in Wisconsin—warm weather, outdoor activities, festivals galore, and not having to scrape the ice off of your windshield in the morning. But one of my favorite summertime staples is the farmers market. I love the idea of stocking up on veggies and fruit (at a fraction of what the typical…

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test tubes colorful
Health, Nutrition

The Truth about Food Additives

Okay, so you’ve probably never said this, but you probably have had a craving for ice cream. I found the aforementioned ingredients while scanning a pint of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. This got me thinking: Just how many of these types of ingredients do we eat in a typical day…and should we be concerned? My ingredients list scanning…

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Egg Cupcakes
Nutrition, Recipes, Work

A Quick and Filling Snack for Work

A while back I shared a recipe for egg cupcakes in my blog. If your New Year’s resolution involves eating better, check out this past posting for an eggs-cellent idea (please excuse the bad pun—I couldn’t help myself.) Ah, the afternoon vending machine showdown. We’ve all been there, and it’s tough to pick something healthy when your blood sugar is…

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