Start Line with red Converse shoes

The Reality of Motivation

In a previous blog I wrote about motivation and I have to admit that I’ve been thinking about this topic a lot lately. In particular, I feel like we tend to be too hard on ourselves when we aren’t feeling motivated. As I was cleaning up after dinner last night and doing dishes I started thinking, do I ever feel…

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I can't do it

Struggling With Motivation?

One of the top questions we receive as a weight-loss organization is, “How do I get motivated?” This is difficult to answer because the definition of motivation is different for everyone. One person may be pushed by numbers such as scale readings, blood pressure or cholesterol. Others may be more encouraged by praise from friends and family. Inevitably, the follow…

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You are Halfway there

We’re More Than Halfway Through 2016

So many times I find myself saying, “I can’t believe it’s already (enter current month name here).” Time flies, and it seems to go especially fast in the summer months as we try to balance work, summer activities and making time for healthy habits. We’re more than halfway through the year and it’s a great time to check in with…

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Angel Apple Devil Donut
Lifestyle, Motivation

“Bad” Foods, “Good” Foods?

Have you ever said or thought either of the following? “I was bad this weekend—I ate way too much chocolate.” “I’ve been really good—I haven’t touched any bread in three days.” We’re familiar with asking a waiter to hold the dressing. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could ask him or her to hold the guilt, too? After all, when…

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What If

Stop and think about the word “if” for a second. What may seem like two harmless little letters can lead to infinite possibility…or endless self-doubt. As we navigate our weight-loss journey, it can be easy to let “if” perpetuate the latter. “What if I can’t do it?” “What if everyone looks at me?” “What if I fail?” We can essentially…

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Go with the Flow
Featured, Lifestyle, Motivation

Going with the Flow

The other night, knowing that I wouldn’t be able to make my workout class the following evening, I had the ambitious idea to set my alarm for 4:30 AM to get up and ride my stationary bike for an hour before work. This will be great, I thought. I’ll get my exercise out of the way first thing in the…

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