Part of the TOPS approach to healthy eating is that all foods can fit, within reason. This works well for me, as I’ve found that every time I try to avoid a food entirely I end up wanting that food ten times more. Lately, I’ve been shifting my focus to feelings of fullness. This way, I can eat what I…
Category: Lifestyle
3 Alternatives to New Year’s Resolutions
Have you ever noticed how you don’t really hear about New Year’s resolutions in June? New Year’s resolutions can be a great opportunity to hit the reset button but, if you’re looking to try something with a little more staying power, check out these three alternatives. Try something new every month. Last year at this time I tried cutting out…
Breaking Up With Bad Habits
In one of our last workplace TOPS meetings, we all wrote “Dear John” letters to a habit or personal obstacle that was standing in the way of our goals or no longer serving us. We gave the boot to things like extra weight, certain indulgences and even a pricey gym membership. As 2017 draws closer, and brings with it new…
Room to Eat What You Love
I remember a time in college when my roommates made cookies with egg substitute, artificial sweetener and butter substitute. The cookies shared the texture of hockey pucks…and the taste, too. Even though these cookies had fewer calories than their more traditional counterparts, they also lacked one important ingredient – enjoyment. We are all different and share different tastes and interests.…
4 Ideas for Healthy Thanksgiving Leftovers
Thanksgiving leftovers are arguably one of the tastiest parts of the holiday, but how many turkey sandwiches and turkey casseroles can you possibly eat before getting bored? Use your leftovers as an opportunity to get creative in the kitchen. Check out these four ideas to enjoy your favorite Thanksgiving staples after the holiday. Stuffed bell peppers – Want to enjoy…
3 Ways to Enjoy Spaghetti Squash
One of my favorite things about participating in an at-work CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) is the opportunity to try new veggies and fruits. Last week’s CSA box included delicious fall favorites including spaghetti squash. I used to associate squash with little more than fall decor before I realized how tasty, healthy and versatile it can be. Here are three ways…
5 Tips for Choosing Organic Foods on a Budget
This week I’m excited to have Jen Ede, Editor of TOPS News magazine and fellow TOPS member, as my special guest blogger. 5 Tips for Choosing Organic Foods on a Budget by Jen Ede If you’ve been wanting to incorporate more organic food into your diet, but are balking at the price tag, here are some tips to get you…
4 Tips for Making the Most of Summer Produce
It’s an exciting day here at TOPS Headquarters. A number of our employees are anxiously awaiting our very first delivery of fresh veggies and herbs from a local farm as part of a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). With farmers’ markets in full swing and produce coming in abundance, we thought we’d share our top four strategies for getting more summer…
“Bad” Foods, “Good” Foods?
Have you ever said or thought either of the following? “I was bad this weekend—I ate way too much chocolate.” “I’ve been really good—I haven’t touched any bread in three days.” We’re familiar with asking a waiter to hold the dressing. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could ask him or her to hold the guilt, too? After all, when…