Fitness, Weight Loss

6 Tips for Losing the Last 10 Pounds

green scale

If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you may have found that the pounds came off pretty steadily in the beginning and then the scale refused to budge. You may have wanted to toss said scale out of the window when this happens, but there are small tweaks you can make instead to get the numbers going down again. According to Registered Dietitian and nutrition expert for TOPS, Dena McDowell, the body doesn’t really like to lose weight so it begins to compensate—making it harder and harder to lose each additional pound. Dena offers the following tips for losing the last pesky pounds:

  1. Rate your plate: Make sure that at least half your plate is filled with colorful veggies at each meal. By following this tip, you will reduce your total calorie intake by about 30 percent for each meal. You will find yourself filling up more quickly due to the higher fiber content of the produce compared to when you were eating larger portions of meat and starches.
  2. Water yourself: Make sure you are staying well hydrated. To help reduce overeating at mealtime, try drinking an eight-ounce glass of water before the meal. This added hydration will help you feel full and may reduce your overall calorie intake at mealtime.
  3. Practice portion control: Slow down and savor each bite. Aim to eat 75 percent of each meal. Following this tip will reduce your total calorie count by about 25 percent for each meal.
  4. Track your intake: You may be eating more than you think. It can be helpful to log your food and beverages with a food journal. When done correctly by jotting down each detail, you may identify meals or snacks that are higher in calories than expected. Learn from these food choices and identify how to choose differently to control your calorie intake.
  5. Limit the salt: Look at food labels to learn how much salt that you consume. It’s recommended that you limit salt in the foods you eat to no more than 2,500 mg a day. The average adult consumes between 4–5 grams per day. Excessive salt often causes weight to shift higher due to water retention. Look for less-processed foods and look at the food label in order to choose lower-sodium options.
  6. Get moving: If you do the same workouts every day, it may be time to change your workout routine by changing the time or intensity of exercise. Changing your workout routine will help increase your metabolic rate, allowing your body to burn calories more efficiently.

If you are struggling to lose the last 10 pounds, it may be your food choices or activity level. Whatever modification is necessary, stick with your diet and exercise plan and soon all your hard work will pay off.