Care is a fundamental component of the support TOPS Club provides to its members. We know improving one’s health doesn’t need to be a solitary endeavor. Nor is it one-dimensional — because mental, emotional and physical wellness are interdependent. But what you may not know is that there is a plethora of evidence to support all the buzz about self-care in recent years. And a big part of caring for ourselves involves having healthy, communal relationships with others.
We all need people in our lives who are willing to be mutually present in the rough times just as much as during those moments we celebrate successes. Relationships of care are often the “phone a friend” lifelines we cling to when it feels like we are our own worst enemy. Symptoms that can signal a big “dose of care” is needed ASAP are:
- Chronic fatigue
- Impaired cognitive function
- Anxiety or depression
- Compulsive behaviors (such as binging or over-exercising)

The people in our lives who understand our triggers may also be the first to recognize that our actions are no longer aligned with the wellness goals we’ve set. Intervening early can interrupt unhealthy stress responses that prevent the human nervous system from organically balancing itself. Once we are no longer in a hyper-state of reactivity, our ability to focus, move and sleep noticeably improves.
Because of this, prioritize putting a “social spin” on self-care. One that involves much more than date nights, bubble baths and retail therapy. It will require being open to affirming assistance from friends, family and/or fellow chapter members in identifying, and then addressing, your biggest roadblocks to maintaining positive habits. For some, these hurdles are predominately psychological (like negative thought patterns or unresolved trauma). Whereas for others, chronic physiological conditions such as asthma and joint pain are obstacles that may feel insurmountable.
But that’s the gift of TOPS. There is always someone to remind you that you can — and ARE — doing it. One meal at a time. One meeting at a time. One day at a time…TOGETHER.
Now, who wants to give a shout-out to one of the wellness warriors in your life? I can’t wait to hear about the individuals cheering you on below!