Lifestyle, Motivation

The New Year’s Resolution Saboteurs

Row of Exercise BikesIt’s that time of year again. Gyms are packed, diet commercials dominate television and many of us are fired up and ready to make a change. It’s no secret that New Year’s resolutions are often health-focused, and maybe 2014 is your year to lose weight, quit smoking or be ready for that 5K race by spring. You start off with a bang in January…and then a little saboteur comes knocking. That saboteur is different for everyone, but often looks a lot like one of these:

The I-don’t-have-time saboteur. The combination of work, family and social commitments makes this one of the most popular saboteurs. People are busy—period. But, ultimately, you make time for what you value most, and your health should be at the top of this list.

The all-or-nothing saboteur. Having an all-or-nothing mentality can actually do more harm than good. Don’t get down on yourself for skipping a workout or eating a brownie. Instead, look back at your choice and decide what you can do differently next time around. Perfection is not possibly or necessary.

The poor-pitiful-me saboteur. Do you have a friend or spouse that can eat whatever he or she wants and not gain an ounce? Do you eat salmon and salads all week and still gain five pounds when you just look at a piece of cheesecake? If you’ve ever had a thought like this, you may have listened to your inner poor-pitiful-me saboteur. A little self pity from time to time is only human. However, frequent feelings of self pity and resentment can and will sabotage even the best resolve. It’s time to move from thoughts of “missing out” to thoughts of freedom—freedom from the foods and behaviors that ultimately only make us unhappier in the end.

The I’ll-do-it-tomorrow saboteur. New Year’s resolutions and procrastination don’t mix. Thomas Merton once wrote, “This day shall never come again.” Ponder this statement the next time you vow to start tomorrow. If something is truly important to you, why wouldn’t you want to get started right away?

With New Year’s resolutions, and with life in general, slip-ups will happen and saboteurs may try to stand in the way of your goals. Just remember, a saboteur can only derail your efforts permanently if you allow it to. Here’s to a healthy and happy 2014—make it your best year yet.

1 thought on “The New Year’s Resolution Saboteurs

  1. Our chapter has a member who tries to loose weight and then she regresses and gains back three times her losses.

    She is denial bound and is saboteuring herself and the chapter members. She wants to change but has placed roadblocks not to change lifestyle.

    The articles in this article will help her see where her behavior has turned her into a saboteur.

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