It can seem difficult to find moments of joy lately, but it’s these moments that keep us going. Something I’ve found happiness in over the past few months is hearing how our members are adapting and continuing to focus on their health. In my last blog, I had the pleasure of sharing how member Jo’Ann Godshall is staying active. This week, we’re heading down south to North Carolina for another inspiring Q&A session with TOPS Coordinator Laura Wickwar.
Q: How has your fitness routine changed since the beginning of the pandemic?
A: Prior to the pandemic, I was going to the gym and swimming laps, doing circuit training with a trainer and riding a bicycle for aerobic activity. I love to make new friends at the gym and see people exercising. It’s my happy place. Since the pandemic, I’m usually exercising alone (sometimes with family members and a few close friends), but usually I’m walking outdoors between a half mile and three miles each day. On the days I don’t feel like walking, I ride my bicycle, use my husband’s indoor rowing machine or use my daughter’s strider.
Q: Is there anything you’ve learned about yourself and your fitness journey during the pandemic?
A: I learned that when I started this pandemic exercise journey, I began to have a following on Facebook. The more friends that commented and liked my daily exercise entries, the more committed I became. I didn’t want to let others down—or myself—so even on the days when I had to drag my butt out to exercise, I did it. I wanted to be an example.
Q: You mentioned doing a virtual version of Physical Activity Bingo. Can you tell me more about this?
A: I wanted to “reward” my Facebook friends for following my daily exercise posts. I also wanted to encourage them to get some type of movement in each day. I made up a Physical Activity Bingo card and posted it on my Facebook page 30 days prior to my online event. I then did a Facebook Live reading of the bingo card squares and gave out prizes for the top two winners. Many members said it encouraged them to vary their activity because the bingo card had quite a few different exercises. A few new members from Charlotte even decided to join TOPS since they saw how much fun it is.
Now it’s your turn. If you’re finding creative ways to stay moving during these tough times, tell me about it in the comments section!
Thanks Laura. Exercise is indeed important for all of us. Great to hear you are still at it. Good luck. Look forward to seeing you in New York. Stay active and safe.
During the pandemic, I read some TOPS members were doing virtual walking of trails in the US. So when our chapter started meetings again, in August, I set up a plan for our group to engage in a trail of our own. Since we are in Nashville, TN, we decided on the Natchez Trace Trail. Everyone was held accountable for turning in their total steps for the week. I kept a spread sheet on our progress. We completed the round trip in 11 weeks. I did a ceremony of our success giving everyone a certificate of their accomplishment and a map of the trail showing our position each week. Several things happened from this challenge. The members were moving forward at their own pace, accountability, support from others, and the pride of job well done.
Thanks for this relevant post. The months have dragged on for all of at home and all the pandemic support is greatly appreciated.