Portions vs. Servings
Health, Nutrition, Wellness

Portions vs. Servings

For many TOPS members, deciding how to use your daily exchanges is typically going to align with the portions of each food and/or condiment(s) that are a part of individual meals and snacks. However, when selecting recipes to feed a whole family or several guests, the number of servings may be equally important. Which is why using the words portion…

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All Movement Matters

Not every type of movement is accessible to all body types. However, limited mobility does not mean that you should forgo engaging in physical activity altogether. Regular exercise provides a health boost in myriad ways, especially in terms of mental fitness and emotional well-being.  A study published by the American Medical Association in 2024 stated, “The mental health benefits of…

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Lifestyle, Motivation, Wellness

Tell Yourself “You Can!”

What you think and say about your ability to live a healthier and more active life sometimes has very little to do with your actual capabilities. The stories we tell ourselves, in addition to the false perceptions others can have about us that we gradually internalize, can become mental roadblocks to achieving our wellness goals. In other words, if you…

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Fitness, Lifestyle, Motivation, Wellness

Sweat to Destress This Holiday Season

Feeling more stressed than jolly during the month of December is not abnormal. Especially when you consider how many people are already trying to decrease their stress levels long before the holiday season begins. According to research conducted by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, “Seven out of ten adults in the United States say they experience stress or…

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3 Health Myths That Die Hard

Health-related topics and the wellness industry are both inundated with misinformation. The myths that have circulated for decades continue to be repeated because many people stopped questioning their validity years ago. Over generations, these false truths gradually get absorbed as facts rather than recognized as subjective opinions or societal preferences.   Here are 3 examples:  “Fresh produce is the ‘most’ nutritious.”…

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Health, Recipes

Meal Prep Blitz – Web Exclusive

Do you shy away from making meal prep a consistent habit? Is the thought of having to eat the same dish several times in one week the reason why? But what if you could cook once, but have three to five different entrees waiting to be savored in five minutes or less on the remaining six days? That idea probably…

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Health, Lifestyle, Wellness

Self-Care is a “Social” Practice

Care is a fundamental component of the support TOPS Club provides to its members. We know improving one’s health doesn’t need to be a solitary endeavor. Nor is it one-dimensional — because mental, emotional and physical wellness are interdependent. But what you may not know is that there is a plethora of evidence to support all the buzz about self-care…

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Nutrition, Recipes, Wellness

Meal Prep for One

One of the most useful cookbooks I have come across this year so far is The Ultimate Meal Planning for One Cookbook. Written by culinary instructor and recipe developer Kelly Jaggers, it contains 100 recipes for those who frequently dine solo — or often need to prep single-serve, ready-to-go meals for work, school or travel excursions. I was so impressed…

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Stress, Wellness

Staycation Sleep Tips

Rest and relaxation do not require jaunting off to faraway destinations. Sometimes the most restorative place to be is right at home. Although sleep tourism is currently trending in the travel industry, many of us do not carve out enough time to adequately recharge in our daily lives. I personally struggle with this in terms of my fitness routine. Working…

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