For many TOPS members, deciding how to use your daily exchanges is typically going to align with the portions of each food and/or condiment(s) that are a part of individual meals and snacks. However, when selecting recipes to feed a whole family or several guests, the number of servings may be equally important. Which is why using the words portion and serving interchangeably is incorrect. Yet this is a common mistake that crops up in casual conversation or on novice home chef blogs.
According to the American Heart Association (AHA), a serving is “a measured amount of food or drink, such as one slice of bread or one cup (eight ounces) of milk” labeled on food and beverages based on a 2,000-calorie diet. In contrast, the AHA defines a portion as “how much food you choose to eat at one time, whether in a restaurant, from a package or in your own kitchen.” Calculating portions is less straightforward than quantifying servings. There are a lot of products that come in packaging that appear to be a single portion, but according to the nutrition label, contain more than one serving. This is also why many people find the Exchange System to be quite helpful when determining portion sizes.

Although they have been gradually simplified over the years, nutrition labels should still be read carefully to ensure accurate comprehension of the information provided. For example, the line “Added Sugars” under “Total Carbohydrates” is listed in grams, despite the daily recommendation limits still being frequently specified in teaspoons. It is normal to occasionally feel confused or frustrated by all the “number crunching” involved with meal planning. But instead of opting to forego tracking your protein, fat, carbs, dairy and/or sodium intake, pause to ponder if there is a way you can make the process easier.
Certain tools currently available in the TOPS Store that might be useful include:
If you have any of the above items or other kitchenware that have de-stressed figuring out portions, take a minute to explain how these tools support your wellness journey during an upcoming chapter meeting — or even online via the comments section below.
I am curious to see how much of a collective positive mindset shift we can make during the rest of March. Try focusing on new recipes you’re excited to try or nutrient-dense foods you’ve really been enjoying lately. Trust me, it’s a much better use of brain energy than dwelling on cravings that could sour your mood, grocery budget and long-term goals.
Such excellent information to share! I think often of how we sometimes misunderstand our tools in this regard. One classic example is piling food as high as one can on the “portion plate” and wondering why one may not being as successful as one thought he/she should be. Thanks so much, Rachel for more food for thought!
I appreciate you sharing this perspective, Barb. I think it provides additional context for how distinguishing between portions and servings might be useful.
Thank you for addressing this. I thought they were the same thing as many do. I will turn it into a program for my chapter. Thanks again.
Appreciate this feedback, Jeanette…& I hope the rest of your chapter find this info to be as helpful as you.
I like what you said about a “collective positive mindset shift.” I love colorful kitchen items, and those portion bowls are pretty!
Me too, Robin!