I remember once telling someone at the gym that I liked edamame (a popular Japanese soybean snack), and she looked at me completely horrified. She explained that edamame is an “anti-nutrient.” As someone who works in the nutrition and wellness field, I find myself frustrated that some health enthusiasts use fear and restrictions to push a one-size-fits-all approach to eating.…
A Quick Break for Wellness Wednesday
Wellness Wednesday is taking a short hiatus while the TOPS Wellness team attends continuing education at the Today’s Dietitian Spring Symposium in Scottsdale. We’re so excited to share all that we learn! Check back here on June 5 for a new post. There’s no rest for those healthy habits, though! Read up on past blogs, including how to beat the…
3 Ways to Power Up with Cauliflower
If you’ve been in a grocery store lately or searched for low-carb recipes, you’ve probably come across cauliflower pizza crust. It seems that this tasty and trendy food is enjoying its time in the spotlight. But before you shell out for this pre-packaged treat, don’t forget about all of the options you have with a simple head of cauliflower. Here…
Spring Clean Your Weight-Loss Goals
We finally got our first real taste of spring here in the Midwest this week. Grills were fired up, windows were thrown open and winter boots were gleefully tucked away … and now we’re expecting snow. But, despite the weather, it’s still officially spring and a great time to refresh your healthy goals. If your New Year’s resolution seems like…
3 Snack Hacks That Can Help Save You Money
Have you ever left a grocery store wondering how your bill got to be so high? This has happened to me more than I care to admit but, ever since trying the 28-day meal plan, I’ve made much more of an effort to pay attention to my food-spending habits. While it’s not necessarily a bad thing to pay for convenience,…
Meal Kit Delivery 101
If you’ve read this blog before, you know I love writing about food. And with March being National Nutrition Month®, I have another reason to talk about one of my favorite topics. This week, I’m excited to have TOPS Outreach Liaison Alyssa McNamee share her experience with a popular food topic – meal kit delivery. We chat about the pros,…
Ways to Stay Active in Winter
As I write this, the flakes continue to fly here in Wisconsin. They’re pretty, I’ll give them that. But all I can think about is scraping my windshield at the end of the workday, the slippery ride home and the endless shoveling. Spring is only a few weeks away, but winter feels like it’s dragging on … and on. One…
Almost Halfway Through the 28-Day Meal Plan Challenge
Are you taking the 28-day meal plan challenge* with TOPS? If so, great! If not, good news – you can start the challenge any time. We officially kicked off the challenge on the first of this month to coincide with February being 28 days, but you’re welcome to start the plan at whatever time works best for you. We’ve been…
Take the 28-Day Meal Plan Challenge with TOPS!
January is winding down and, at the risk of wishing time away, we’re one month closer to warmer temps here in Wisconsin. I’m still dealing with the extra pounds that started creeping up last fall and seem to have gotten a little too comfortable. While January is usually the month for new beginnings and fresh starts, mine was filled with…