Lifestyle, Motivation

Stepping Outside of Your Comfort Zone

FreedomLately, I’ve learned to love an exercise program that leaves me with blisters on my hands, soreness in muscles I didn’t know existed, and even the occasional bruise. It may sound strange, but I’ve learned to look at these minor ailments as proof that I’m improving every day. At my very first class, I remember loud music, barbells slamming on the ground, and me wanting to make a beeline for the door…but I didn’t. I’ve made the leap to a more vigorous exercise program—something I initially found mildly terrifying—and now enjoy the newfound confidence it’s given me.

In keeping with the TOPS “Real People. Real Weight Loss.” philosophy, we remind our members that change—like losing weight or starting a new exercise program—can be difficult and even a little scary. But if we don’t venture outside of our comfort zone, then we can never know for certain what we’re capable of. And the rush we feel after accomplishing a scary or tough task is always well worth any anxiety we feel beforehand.

As fall sets in and change is in the air, start thinking of one change you’d like to make before 2015. If fear is holding you back from making a change that you know will lead to a better you, it might be time to step outside of your comfort zone…and take that first step toward better health. It doesn’t have to involve bruises or even sore muscles, just a willingness to take a risk and a decision to do things differently. Who knows what else you’ll be able to do?