Nutrition, Wellness

Be Kind to Yourself, Be Kind to Your Food

Dish with cutlery

I remember once telling someone at the gym that I liked edamame (a popular Japanese soybean snack), and she looked at me completely horrified. She explained that edamame is an “anti-nutrient.” As someone who works in the nutrition and wellness field, I find myself frustrated that some health enthusiasts use fear and restrictions to push a one-size-fits-all approach to eating. While their hearts are in the right place, there can be a fine line between well-meaning advice and nutri-bullying.

I’m not a registered dietitian, but after recently attending a conference geared toward those who are, I have a renewed appreciation for healthcare professionals who are dedicated to making the healthiest and safest decisions for their patients. While different nutrition trends and popular diets were discussed during the sessions, there was an overall theme that we’re all unique, and there is no one plan that will work for everyone. As someone who has struggled with weight for years, I’m understanding more and more that building a healthy lifestyle is a constant learning process.

Remember, you don’t have to give up the foods you love (barring any medical conditions). You don’t have to spend hours making all of your own condiments with “approved” ingredients (unless you enjoy that). Life is stressful enough without having to worry about edamame.

What about your meal plan makes you feel good? Tell me about it in the comments section.

10 thoughts on “Be Kind to Yourself, Be Kind to Your Food

  1. Planning the meal is easy for me. The hard part is actually completing the meal as planned. So when I do, it encourages me to keep planning and learning how to follow through with my plans.

  2. I like my meal plan because it works for me. I became a KOPS in 2016 and have been able to maintain my weight. I journal and track my weight daily. Basically, my food plan consists of low carb and clean eating. There is a wide variety of foods that I can and do eat.

  3. So true! I have diabetes and meet regularly with a dietitian He has been so helpful to me, nothing is off limits, I just need to monitor my blood sugars to see how it effects me. If sugars too high then either eat less of it, adjust the recipe or stop eating it. But keep monitoring. Gives me the control over my choices and have managed to be medication free for the past 10 years.

  4. I have lost 65 pounds and am 3 pounds from goal. I gave up sugar because I am addicted to it, once I take one bite I can’t stop. that might not work for others, but 2 years off it completely has helped me get where I need to be. I agree that what works for me might not for others. also I limit my white flour. the one thing I like about my diet is I love peanut butter. people keep saying how can you lose eating peanut butter. I choose when and how much and stick to it. for 2 years I have eaten peanut butter every day. but not the whole jar. ha ha If I lng for a balonga, mayo and white bread sandwich, I fit the fat and calories in for that day. we can’t live eating things we don’t like.

  5. I can’t stand nutri-bullies! I completely agree that dietitians should respect bio-individuality and recognize that a single meal plan will not work for every person. I admire TOPS for being diet agnostic (not pro-low-carb or pro-low-fat, etc), because we each need to find the weight-loss-friendly foods that work for us. Keep eating your edamame, Maggie (I think it’s delicious)!

    1. What a fantastic term that fits so well … TOPS being diet agnostic. I love that idea. I joined TOPS for that exact reason. We each respond differently & need to find that right point for us. Well said. Ditto on the nutri-bullies by the way.

  6. So happy for you Sandra Hangey! I bet you’re saying the KOPS pledge!
    I too have a sugar addiction so I found myself a bit connected to you.
    I too have peanut butter almost everyday. I cut it totally out but went to the days I work.
    I get up at 3:00am and it sure does hold me to snack time, 8:00.
    Perhaps you can share what your daily food diary looks like.
    I need all the help I can get.

  7. I haven’t come across medical staff that nutri-bully (great word by the way) but have come across other weight conscious people who go from diet to diet to diet that definitely bully. When you expect support, you can often get yet another set of rules cited that contradicts the last set you heard. I try to stay away from anyone who forces their assumptions on others because I need to make my own good choices as we all do. Thank you for your article.

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