A friend convinced me to join her for my first indoor power cycling class this past weekend. I’m always up for trying a new class (even after a painfully-awkward Zumba experience where my lack of rhythm was on full display) and decided to give it a shot. I was a little intimidated at first; many of the riders had special cycling shoes and already claimed their favorite bikes. There wasn’t much time to pay attention to this though, since before I knew it, the music was blaring, the instructor was cheering us on through his headset and I was drowning in sweat. I’m not sure if cycling will be my new class of choice, but I’m glad I tried it … even if I likely ate back any calories I burned with brunch afterward.
If moving more is part of your 2020 Vision, keep these truths in mind, particularly during this Heart Health Month:
You have to set aside your ego. If you’re trying something new, don’t worry about looking stupid. We’ve all been there, and chances are, people are too focused on how they look to worry about you. I highly doubt anyone was thinking, “Look at that new girl who doesn’t even have cycling shoes!” during my class. Whether you love a new workout class, hate it or feel indifferent about it, all you can do is try. And trying beats sitting on the couch any day of the week.
Accountability keeps you, well, accountable. This one is no surprise to TOPS members. Having a supportive community who encourages you to keep moving makes your fitness journey easier than if you fly solo. And it makes it much more fun. Find a walking buddy, “swolemate” or someone you can share encouraging texts with.
Your fitness journey will evolve. Joints may ache, certain movements may start to be tougher than they once were and you may even just get bored with your fitness routine. It happens, and it’s okay. I used to enjoy running but now my left knee won’t let me go further than one mile. Fortunately, there are plenty of other joint-friendly forms of cardio like swimming, cycling, rowing or dog walking (the last one is a personal favorite).
With Valentine’s Day just a couple days away, what better way to show your heart some love than by getting moving?
This is the way I felt when I started line dancing. It was a beginning line dance class. The people were like me and were beginners too. I am 70 years old. I have now been doing it for one year and we are still learning new dances. It is not all country music that we dance to. Senior centers are a great outlet to try new things.
I love that, Linda! I still love to dance, too! Despite my aforementioned Zumba experience 🙂
Thanks Maggie, Always love your Wellness Wednesday info! Like the web site too!
Thanks for reading, Ron!
Shoot – forgot to add to my comment that I do Zumba 3 times a week and hit the machines and the weights at the gym 3 times a week too. Well not HIT hit them, I do them. You know what I mean and I’m over 70 too! Gotta keep this body working and moving!
Thanks for this information.It”s good to get positive suggestions from Tops.
Thanks for reading, Janet!
Your never to old to learn something new, and you may even surprise yourself you can do it.
So true, Kathleen!
I would like to do Tops program because I failed others can I first follow the club before I join on line? I’m a 24, 7 caregiver and don’t have much time for me. But my health is declining and my husband needs me to take care of him and I pray I can so saying that how do I start living healthy and getting healthy? I wish you can help me get started, I have your pledge which I will read often Thank you!
Thanks for reaching out, Charlotte! Please send us an email at wondering@tops.org so that we can see how we can help 🙂