the element of Nutrition
Take Action

The Periodic Table of TOPS: N is for Nutrition

In the chemical world, N is the symbol for Nitrogen. It is the seventh element, having many uses for being the fifth most abundant element on earth. People mainly focus on its use in fertilizers or refrigeration. However, in TOPS Nation, N will symbolize Nutrition and will be our second element for the Periodic Table of TOPS. In order to…

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the element of Health
Take Action

The Periodic Table of TOPS: H is for Health

… And so, let the construction begin. Building something new is challenging, exciting, and scary at the same time. Elements of the original Periodic Table are arranged by seven rows and eighteen columns. Rows depict periods of similar structures, and columns focus on groups or families of elements. Since this is going to be a table of TOPS elements that…

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the periodic table of elements

The Periodic Table of TOPS

It’s been a long time since I thought about the Periodic Table of Elements. I was first introduced to this iconic chart in high school and needed to dig in deeper when I studied biology in college. In a refracted look back on those times, I now realize how important it is to truly know the basics. The table arranges…

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basketball on a court
Persevere, Take Action

The Ultimate Challenge

The madness that happens in March will soon be upon us. This is the time of year when the college basketball season wraps up with a monster tournament. Some people who usually don’t watch games during the regular season will tune in and follow a favorite team. This is also a time when gambling pools are set up, so you…

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bright background with candies

My M&M’s Story

Recently M&M’s have been in the news. I thought I would share my refracted M&M’s story. When I was part of TOPS Field Staff, there was a lot of mailing. I would try to get it all ready for each Monday and go to the local post office. Since they didn’t take debit cards, I needed to use cash. There…

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