When it comes to travel, statistics can be helpful and concerning at the same time. I EXPECT DELAYS at the airport since it seems to happen every time I fly. I can look at statistics to determine which airline I should use to avoid these. That is a way I can have a little control.
When on the road, I am mindful of the FALLING ROCKS and SPEED BUMP signs warning me to be careful and control my SPEED LIMIT. However, when I see a HIGH CRASH ZONE sign, I really try to pay more attention. For whatever reason, statistics have proven there is a greater chance of having an accident in these areas.
My weight loss journey toward a healthy lifestyle has endured warnings from FALLING ROCKS and SPEED BUMP signs. However, I really lose control of the metaphorical steering wheel in a HIGH CRASH ZONE. The sad part is that I am aware of the statistics, but lately, I have been struggling to avoid these zones.
Eating late at night because I am not sleeping, holiday parties (heck, any party), buffet deals and fast food when I am in a hurry have been invading my CROSSWALK. There are all of these have statistics that provide me with INFORMATION to avoid these areas, since they are a HIGH CRASH ZONE. Yet, I continue to struggle.
I am now approaching a WEIGHT LIMIT that I have not seen in a long time. Luckily, I have TOPS to support me during this DETOUR in being my healthiest self.
I try not to make excuses. We all have stresses that affect us at many points, although recently, I simply cannot STOP the gains. Despite the warnings, I am stuck in a HIGH CRASH ZONE.
One lesson I have learned in TOPS is not to give up. I will seek ALTERNATE ROUTES to hopefully escape this HIGH CRASH ZONE. I keep reminding myself that I will always be UNDER CONSTRUCTION. It is time to find a FLAGGER and use a new FUEL source to kick these tires and get back on the road.
Do any other TOPS travelers have some suggestions on how you manage a HIGH CRASH ZONE?
keep on trying Rick. You can do it!
Thanks for your support.