
TOPS Healthy Lifestyle: Follow the Signs – Dead End

Just because you see a DEAD END sign does not mean we are finished with this blog series. In fact, there is still one more sign left in the Follow the Signs series dealing with our goal to a TOPS Healthy Lifestyle.

A DEAD END sign gives plenty of warning that the road does not have a DRIVE THRU to a new location. There is no ROUNDABOUT ahead or ALTERNATE ROUTES down this road marked DEAD END.

Although I am aware of the warning, I still have taken many roads marked DEAD END. Why? I know that there will be little or no space to reverse my course, yet the temptation to go this way is extraordinarily strong.

Dead End

There is a good chance that there will be little INFORMATION available and no SURVEY CREW or FLAGGER to help me. But knowing what to do and actually doing it are two different things.

Being on a DEAD END road truly explains my recent struggles. I have now re-gained more than half of the weight I lost with the great support of TOPS. Again, knowing what to do and doing it is always going to be tough.

I know I am always going to be UNDER CONSTRUCTION. There won’t be another MILE MARKER or a way to MERGE onto a new path on a DEAD END road. I know I will not find any magic FUEL to get me to a new place. I need to stay off the DEAD END roads.

Despite knowing that, after I made a STOP at a REST AREA, I resumed my journey and saw the DEAD END coming up. I went down that road anyway, and now I am stuck.

However, this is not the end of the series or my journey. There is one more sign that gives me hope. I will reveal it in the last installment of this series. When I share it with you, I will attempt to use all thirty-three signs in the blog post.

Do you know what the last sign is that will help both you and I continue to a TOPS Healthy Lifestyle? You’ll just need to Follow the Signs to find out.


5 thoughts on “TOPS Healthy Lifestyle: Follow the Signs – Dead End

  1. Keep going, Rick. I’m cheering you on. You are doing it even if you’ve been on break, you are doing it. We are glad you’re here!

  2. Rick you said, “I went down that road anyway, and now I am stuck.” Not true because as difficult as it might be at the end of a dead end road, you still turn around, go back, get on the road you once were on and keep going, a little more aware of the “dead end” signs and that taking that interesting-looking road may derail your journey.
    We’re here for you!!

  3. Stress clouds the mind making all the signs around us either invisible or irrelevant. Take care of your mental health my friend so that the signs will become clear and meaningful again.

  4. Perfect message today – I feel I am at the same sign. Thank you for your insight. I have loved this series too and look forward to the last sign. Maybe – Resume Speed – or something like that?

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