
The Periodic Table of TOPS: Sb is for Sensibly

I have repeated the words that make up TOPS so many times and now realize the three first words are very self-evident. However, the fourth word may need some further examination.  So, let me jump right into the topic at hand. In nature, Sb symbolizes Antimony which is used in electronics and flame-retardant materials. It has no biological uses. It…

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Fr Es h

The Periodic Table of TOPS: Fr ES H is for Fresh

Despite my best Planning (P), things do not go as always as I hoped. In my last blog, I wrote about the importance to PaCe myself. In my excitement to push this project ahead, I used the same element twice. Pa was used in LiFe PaTh and in PaCe. I hope you see the irony in this. This unintended error has now shown me greater flexibility in Navigating (Na) the complex…

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The Periodic Table of TOPS: Pa Ce is for PaCe

Sayings like “Take it slow”, “Slow and steady wins the race”, or “One step at a time” never really impacted me until I started to get serious about losing weight. I always wanted to get things done as quickly as I could. I also discovered building a Periodic Table of TOPS is something that cannot be rushed. In nature, Pa…

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Bi As

The Periodic Table of TOPS: Bi As is for Bias

In previous posts I have refracted on how various elements effect my Li Fe Pa Th. The struggles are real, and it is important to note that the 23 elements already discussed (with more to come) are needed to assist in defeating the next element being  introduced… BiAs, particularly the BiAs that exists against people who battle the dreaded disease…

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W for Weight

The Periodic Table of TOPS: W is for Weight

The timing of this next element of the Periodic Table of TOPS happens to land on the day after Thanksgiving. Upon further refraction, there really is not a great day to discuss this heavy subject. The next element is W which in TOPS symbolizes Weight. In nature, W symbolizes tungsten which is also called wolfram. It is used to increase…

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