The building blocks of the Periodic Table of TOPS continue to be put in place. The order does not matter, as they are all important. Turning to the original table, F symbolizes Fluorine. I find it remarkable that fluorine compounds have many uses, ranging from steelmaking to dental care. In the Periodic Table of TOPS, F symbolizes Food, which also…
The Periodic Table of TOPS: T is for Temptation
Up to this point, every element I have discussed had a tie-in with a natural element. One would think with 118 chemical elements, I would be able to find the right one to continue building the Periodic Table of TOPS. Since I need a T, I am refracting that T symbolizes Temptation or Tempted. I mentioned in the Victory (V) blog, I was…
The Periodic Table of TOPS: V is for Victory
There are only a few more one-letter symbols from the original Periodic Table, then I will be switching to the two-letter symbols. Finding and cataloging the numerous elements was a huge effort. Some elements were discovered several times before they became official. V for Vanadium is one of those storied natural elements. It was named for the Scandinavian Goddess of…
The Periodic Table of TOPS: B is for Behavior
In chemistry, B symbolizes Boron. It has several forms. You may recognize it as a component of the cleaning solution, Borax. What you may not know, is that at low temperatures, it is a bad electrical conductor, but at high temperatures, it is a good electrical conductor. How can one item be both good and bad? I started refracting about…
The Periodic Table of TOPS: P is for Planning
I never set out by design to be obese. It just happened. I remember being fine right up to the point when external forces tried to define who I was and what I could do. It’s fair to say I subscribed to the belief there are always some things seemingly beyond my control. With this in mind, being overweight and…
The Periodic Table of TOPS: I is for Individuality
I know now not to judge others on how they choose to work their weight-loss plan. My role is to support and learn from them. Losing weight is challenging but not impossible. Understanding how all the elements in The Periodic Table of TOPS need to fall in place should provide comfort for those difficult times. Iodine in chemistry is signified…
The Periodic Table of TOPS: O is for Opportunity
Over the past few weeks, I’ve had the occasion to attend a few TOPS recognition events. It’s nice to hear from folks that they enjoy this series. As the table continues to be set, let me take the opportunity to introduce the next element used on my journey to a healthier lifestyle. In chemistry, the letter O symbolizes oxygen, the…