
TOPS Healthy Lifestyle: Follow the Signs – High Crash Zone

When it comes to travel, statistics can be helpful and concerning at the same time. I EXPECT DELAYS at the airport since it seems to happen every time I fly. I can look at statistics to determine which airline I should use to avoid these. That is a way I can have a little control.

When on the road, I am mindful of the FALLING ROCKS and SPEED BUMP signs warning me to be careful and control my SPEED LIMIT. However, when I see a HIGH CRASH ZONE sign, I really try to pay more attention. For whatever reason, statistics have proven there is a greater chance of having an accident in these areas.

My weight loss journey toward a healthy lifestyle has endured warnings from FALLING ROCKS and SPEED BUMP signs. However, I really lose control of the metaphorical steering wheel in a HIGH CRASH ZONE. The sad part is that I am aware of the statistics, but lately, I have been struggling to avoid these zones.

Eating late at night because I am not sleeping, holiday parties (heck, any party), buffet deals and fast food when I am in a hurry have been invading my CROSSWALK. There are all of these have statistics that provide me with INFORMATION to avoid these areas, since they are a HIGH CRASH ZONE. Yet, I continue to struggle.

I am now approaching a WEIGHT LIMIT that I have not seen in a long time. Luckily, I have TOPS to support me during this DETOUR in being my healthiest self.

I try not to make excuses. We all have stresses that affect us at many points, although recently, I simply cannot STOP the gains. Despite the warnings, I am stuck in a HIGH CRASH ZONE.

One lesson I have learned in TOPS is not to give up. I will seek ALTERNATE ROUTES to hopefully escape this HIGH CRASH ZONE. I keep reminding myself that I will always be UNDER CONSTRUCTION. It is time to find a FLAGGER and use a new FUEL source to kick these tires and get back on the road.

Do any other TOPS travelers have some suggestions on how you manage a HIGH CRASH ZONE?


8 thoughts on “TOPS Healthy Lifestyle: Follow the Signs – High Crash Zone

  1. I’m another in a crash zone right now. I try to wait until after supper to have a sweet treat. Also, it is a good idea to take a small portion of a snack in a bowl…not the whole bag. Having the bag with me means I will probably eat way too much. Sometimes I just need to ban certain things from the house for a while.

  2. Rick, I certainly know what you are struggling with. I find it hard to not eat things like potato chips, cookies. One thing I do do is not eat after 6pm. If I do I don’t sleep well. Another thing that causes me a rough night is pot roast. The fat does not agree with my digestive system.
    Since don’t use dressings on my salad I do much better. I do like some fruit on my salad, like red raspberries, blueberries, strawberries. It is a way to get more fruit in my diet. Most of the veggies I have with a dip during the afternoon because my husband doesn’t like the lower count veggies. Yes there are many bad speed bumps that seem to call our name when we are not paying attention.

  3. Hang in there Rick. One day at a time. Keep being accountable. Good luck. Thinking about and praying for you.

  4. Good morning Rick. Great analogy! I am also in a HIGH CRASH ZONE! I am sharing my situation with my weekly group and trying to use their support to get back on track!! Appreciate your leadership! Stay positive!!

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