All the information symbolized by each signpost builds on the next. One is not more important than the other; however, you may need to stay at one post longer than the next. There may be one signpost you favor that will set you on the correct path. The journey may be tough going at times. There may be slips and…
Search Results for: life path
Aim for the Stars: Body Shaping
As we continue on our journey to a healthier lifestyle, traveling by Cetus and Cygnus, there is one more signpost available to guide us on body image. Fat shaming and the desire to expose the beauty within may lead to unhealthy behaviors. You may get confused on what course you should follow. The signpost Sculptor is beneficial and can help…
Aim for the Stars: Beauty Within
As we continue on our quest, we can see the next signpost that will help us combat the negativity of Cetus. Remember that family member who told me I was just as good as the next person? Well, the next signpost is a remarkable symbol of the beauty that dwells inside each one of us. That signpost is Cygnus, the…
Aim for the Stars: Physical Activity
The path to a healthier way of life includes another signpost that some may embrace and others may not. Watching our portions and how we get our calories isn’t enough. Participating in some type of physical activity is important to maintain a balanced way of life. Jumping to conclusions doesn’t count as a physical activity. Hercules is a great signpost…
Aim for the Stars: Handling Misinformation
As you continue using the Orion signpost to help you hunt for answers, you must be able to sift through all the data that exists. Taurus, the Bull, will serve as a reminder to be careful in what you see, read, and believe. I’m telling you there is no quick “fix” to losing weight and achieving a healthy lifestyle. However,…
Anything But Par for the Course
Whether at work or play, we all look for an edge—some advantage to move us closer to whatever we are trying to accomplish. At times, we seem to expend more energy looking for a shorter route, but there is no easy path to success: It comes from hard work and persistence. Practice makes perfect. Amid the global pandemic, we all…
TOPS Members Are on the Move!
Whether or not you were paying attention in high school science class, you likely know that a body in motion will stay in motion. And everywhere I go in TOPS Nation, our members are on the move! I issued the challenge to log 100 million minutes of exercise between May 1 and December 31, and you answered by doing everything…