Even when I follow the signs, I realize that not all journeys will be smooth. That dreaded SPEED BUMP sign will pop up, reminding me that I am now and always will be UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Despite seeking ALTERNATE ROUTES, obeying the TOLL AHEAD sign and planning to STOP and get the right FUEL, there is always going to be a…
TOPS Healthy Living: Follow the Signs – Toll Ahead
My refraction on the phrase “free ride” is that I do not believe it. No matter what I do, there is some type of cost associated with the process. Now, it may not be cash, it may be effort I need to put in, or something owed in kind, such as a favor for a favor. On my winding journey…
TOPS Healthy Living: Follow the Signs – Drive Thru
The next sign I want to refract on is the infamous DRIVE THRU sign. This sign has two concerns which are of equal importance on the journey to a healthy lifestyle. It bears mentioning that the first DRIVE THRU sign used at a restaurant was in Springfield, Missouri in 1947. If that sounds familiar, Springfield is also where Seeds of…
TOPS Healthy Lifestyle: Follow the Signs – Merge
While I continue to Follow the Signs to a healthier lifestyle, I am reminded of times when the need to MERGE was necessary. Just like what is expected on a highway, there are many reasons to MERGE or YIELD to oncoming traffic. You must take care when trying to MERGE. Planning will prevent unsafe maneuvers. INFORMATION I learned early when…
TOPS Healthy Lifestyle: Follow the Signs – Flagger Ahead
When I am traveling, either on a new route or one I have been on countless times, I FOLLOW THE SIGNS since things can change at any moment. Signs convey the proper INFORMATION, making sure I am going to get where I had planned. However, there are moments when there is not enough time to get a permanent sign for…
TOPS Healthy Lifestyle: Follow the Signs – Alternate Routes
In a TOPS TALK presented on July 15, 2023, Dr. Nia Mitchell stated five ways to achieve weight loss: low-calorie diet, low-carb diet/keto, meal replacement, medication, and bariatric surgery. All are viable ALTERNATE ROUTES and benefit from the support provided by TOPS. Most of us understand the first three ALTERNATE ROUTES. Most likely a majority have tried all three at…
TOPS Healthy Lifestyle: Follow the Signs – Visitor Parking
When I walked into my first TOPS meeting over twenty years ago, I had thoughts of confusion and trepidation. Already uncomfortable with the challenges of obesity, I was taken aback upon hearing a pledge followed by a song about “getting together.” I had never heard anything like this before. I was introduced as a VISITOR, and the group welcomed me.…