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Aim for the Stars: Rewarding and Recognizing Your Efforts

When I see a picture of a lion, I think about how this magnificent beast has been portrayed throughout history. The lion is a symbol of royalty, majestic strength, and courage. The next signpost, Leo the Lion (one of the Zodiac constellations), is the next stop on our journey.

the constellation Leo

Let’s be honest—we all want to be treated with respect and dignity. We all think we are special and want to be recognized for our efforts, no matter how small or large. Words of encouragement and respect travel well across the universe. Acknowledging someone’s success pays great dividends for you and the one you are recognizing.

From time to time, we all wonder if we are on the right track. We question if our efforts are worth it, and we can get discouraged. Hearing kind words of recognition for our efforts at the right time will turn a negative situation into a positive one. That acknowledgement may just be what gets someone over a hurdle that he or she cannot jump over alone.

Words are a powerful motivator. However, if they are not applied correctly, they can tear someone down. People are very quick to criticize and complain, but it seems more difficult to praise someone. You may have difficulty remembering the last time someone praised you, but I bet you can easily remember the last time you were criticized.

It will cost you nothing to be positive and help support someone for his or her efforts. When we encourage someone, we are imparting the courage of a lion to him or her.

Research has shown that when the brain processes negative comments, it releases stress-producing hormones. When words of encouragement and praise are heard, motivational centers in the brain leap into action.

It is very difficult for someone to achieve a goal without encouragement and support. Anyone can be a supporter and recognize effort produced by the people who interact with you.

Every day we are exposed to people who are craving encouragement. Weight loss and the journey in becoming a healthier person is physically and emotionally draining. Words of encouragement are the best booster shot you can give.

Just being more upbeat can improve the emotional state of the people around you. Always look for that silver lining in the storm clouds.

If you happen to be someone that does not take praise and encouragement well, I can only share with you what a wise person once told me. She said, “Just simply smile and say ‘thank you.’” Even if you do not realize it, not only does this help you, it is also helping the person praising you.

When I worked in a laboratory many years ago, I would interact the following morning with the technologist who worked alone on the night shift. I would always check to see if he needed any help in cleaning up so he could go home. I would thank him, then start my shift. Years later when he retired, he shared with me how important our brief morning chats were to him. He told me that being recognized for his efforts made it easier to get through those long, busy night shifts. He further explained that I was the only one who thanked him each morning and offered support.

Our founder, Esther Manz, once commented that people should all “be treated like royalty.” We do not all need to wear a crown to feel regal. Share your positivity and supportive recognition. Encouragement and recognition are the gifts that keep on giving.


This is part 15 of the multipart series, “Aim for the Stars.” In my next blog, we’ll look to the constellation Aquila.

Missed the beginning of our journey through the constellations? Check out the rest of Aim for the Stars.


2 thoughts on “Aim for the Stars: Rewarding and Recognizing Your Efforts

  1. As weight recorder, i give a lot of encouragement and praise. But when I weigh in, nothing is said to me. I learned to give myself the words I need. I hope the others are encouraged, even though they don’t say it. That worker said it to you years later. It made a difference and it took so long for you to know that. Now I’m thinking it does a difference, even if not said to me.

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