Real People. Real Weight Loss.®

Helping Millions to Take Off Pounds Sensibly Since 1948.


“Accountability breeds response-ability.”
Steven Covey

About Barb Cady

Barb retired as president of TOPS Club, Inc., an international nonprofit weight-loss support organization, in February 2018 and continues to serve on the TOPS Board of Directors while remaining active in her local chapter.

After teaching at the college level for years, I did independent research and training for a variety of businesses and institutions while looking for a new passion. I happily discovered that passion in helping the members of TOPS to lead healthier, more active lives. Having dealt with severe, chronic weight issues throughout my own life, I know how debilitating and demoralizing the struggle can be. So many false promises and so much exploitation surround this most critical health issue.

I joined TOPS as a young woman hoping to start a family. After a series of miscarriages resulting from obesity, I discovered the success possible in this nonprofit organization. The focus on support of health and well-being that I found in my chapter allowed me to embrace a new lifestyle. Today, thanks to TOPS, I have three sons who are now adults and have given me grandchildren who light up my life.

Today, as part of my active and healthy life, I delight in hiking and snowshoeing in the mountains of West Virginia, which I proudly call home, and traveling throughout the world. So far, I have traveled to every state in the US and every province in Canada and have stepped on every continent except Antarctica.  That’s on my bucket list of places to go!

When I’m not out and about, you’ll find me relaxing and enjoying a steamy cup of coffee and conversation with friends or maybe playing a little piano. The kitchen that was once my downfall is now my friend. Over the years I have become a skilled and adventurous cook. I love to find succulent, delicious and satisfyingly healthy ways of preparing quick and easy meals, whether it’s just for myself or a big family gathering. The stamina I now enjoy after learning how to lead a healthy, active life is so empowering. Every day, I have a zest for new adventures and feel excitement in starting fresh to create a life that is full and genuine.

I wish you peace with the food you eat and power to go the distance as you write the story of your real life.

See you on the road!

About Barb’s Monday Moment of Truth

My chapter meets each Monday, and like you, I face that moment of accountability with the scales as a measure of how the journey is going.

I am looking forward to taking this trip with you. I am not packing any “excuses.” They don’t fit the lifestyle I want to live. I imagine as we travel, I’ll be dropping some excess “baggage” that I no longer need as well as some excess pounds I no longer want to carry.