In nature, Barium is symbolized by Ba. One of its compounds is used to provide X-ray images of the esophagus, stomach and intestines. Yes, your gut. For my refracted purpose in the Periodic Table of TOPS, Ba will symbolize Bacteria. Specifically, the Bacteria (Ba) found in our gut, also called the gut microbiome. As a retired microbiologist, I have over…
The Periodic Table of TOPS: Xe is for Exercise
I have learned the necessity to bend and be flexible on my LiFe PaTh. This is why I really appreciated the help given to me in naming my blog. So, let’s keep the refraction going. The next element introduced is Xe which symbolizes Xenon, a gas that helps generate lasers and strobe lights. For the purpose of my Periodic Table…
The Periodic Table of TOPS: No is for No
The Periodic Table of TOPS continues to move towards completion with the introduction of the 45th element. The element is Nobelium, named for Alfred Nobel, who invented dynamite. I hope you have a blast reading this blog. Nobelium, which is symbolized by No, has no uses outside of scientific research. For our purposes, No will symbolize No. “Just Say No”…
The Periodic Table of TOPS: He Al is for HeAl
It is ironic that the two of the lightest elements in nature will represent an extremely heavy and difficult topic in the Periodic Table of TOPS.
The Periodic Table of TOPS: Ta is for Target
Sometimes things do not fit exactly how I hope. That phrase can be taken in many ways. Whether it is trying on a new shirt or trying to line up elements in the Periodic Table of TOPS, the process may be challenging. I have been trying to get that perfect natural element to symbolize a goal, in the quest to…
The Periodic Table of TOPS: Eu is for Eureka
I am not alone when something I am working on finally comes together in using the phrase this is an “Aha!” moment. I had many of these moments during my forty years working in a laboratory. Refracting on my next element for the Periodic Table of TOPS, I had another “Aha!” moment when I saw Eu, which symbolizes Europium. This…
The Periodic Table of TOPS: Ca is for Camouflage
I have mentioned elements may have many uses. Calcium, symbolized by Ca, does not disappoint. There is no need to mention the obvious uses, but one of the hidden uses many are not aware of is that Ca helps muscle movement by transferring messages from the brain throughout the body. In the Periodic Table of TOPS, Ca symbolizes Camouflage and I suspect…