I am resisting the mindset to call this next sign, or any sign in this Follow The Signs series, as the most important. One might say I will not give in to the temptation to do so. The YIELD sign is indeed another sign that I have come across on my journey to a healthy lifestyle. Its importance stems from…
TOPS Healthy Lifestyle: Follow the Signs – Safety First
Before I get too far into the list of signs, I must post the SAFETY FIRST sign. The message that the journey to a healthier lifestyle needs to be done sensibly has been ingrained in my brain since I joined TOPS over twenty years ago. Understanding that it was for SAFETY FIRST seemed very smart. I will admit, prior to…
TOPS Healthy Lifestyle: Follow the Signs – STOP
Here is the second sign of my new series and you all must be wondering: Is it the last one? No, but I do need to STOP. Many times during my journey to a better and healthier life, I needed to STOP. I needed this time to assess where I was and whether I should make a course correction. It…
TOPS Healthy Lifestyle: Follow the Signs – Under Construction
I am excited to announce my next blog series for Refracted Fridays. I have shared my thoughts and opinions while I took “Aim for the Stars” and looked for “SENSE-ble Healthy Living” just by using the basic elements of life from the “Periodical Table of TOPS.” This new series called, TOPS Healthy Lifestyle: Follow the Signs will share my refracted…
The Measure of Success
How do you measure your success? Management consultant Peter Drucker once said, “You can’t manage what you can’t measure.” Some aspects of success are easy to manage and measure. Wealth, a good job and social status are a few that quickly come to mind. Business owners seek to stay in the black and not in the red. Repeat customers and…
Now What?
I hope you have enjoyed my Refracted Friday blog series over the past few years as much as I have enjoyed putting them together. Finding a theme to write about helps convey a message. Whether it’s Aim for the Stars, A SENSE-ble Look at Healthy Living or the recent Periodical Table of TOPS, each blog had a different theme (that…
The Periodic Table of TOPS: K is for KOPS
It may be hard to believe, but the last element is finally here. Potassium, symbolized by K, is both an electrolyte and a mineral. Electrolytes are needed to keep the body’s balance of fluids at the proper level and to maintain normal functions. The final element for the Periodic Table of TOPS is K to symbolize KOPS, which means Keep…