
The Periodic Table of TOPS: Co is for Cost

Finding the next natural element was easy this time. Co in nature symbolizes Cobalt, which has been used in compounds to provide a blue color to glazes and ceramics.  For my refracted purpose, Co symbolizes Cost. There has been much in the news about how prices have increased. It seems everything is increasing, and that includes my weight. This roller…

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The Periodic Table of TOPS: Ba is for Bacteria

In nature, Barium is symbolized by Ba. One of its compounds is used to provide X-ray images of the esophagus, stomach and intestines. Yes, your gut. For my refracted purpose in the Periodic Table of TOPS, Ba will symbolize Bacteria. Specifically, the Bacteria (Ba) found in our gut, also called the gut microbiome. As a retired microbiologist, I have over…

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