
TOPS Healthy Lifestyle: Follow the Signs – Hidden Drive

Seeing a HIDDEN DRIVE sign always raises my alert level. There is always a chance someone could be pulling out or backing into the road and based on the location of this HIDDEN DRIVE, visibility is bad.

Seeing these types of warning signs also reminds me of driver’s education classes. I will forever remember my teacher’s advice that when a ball rolls into the roadway, it is usually followed by a child. So, SLOW down and do not DRIVE THRU.

On my journey to a TOPS Healthy Lifestyle, nutrition labels are my HIDDEN DRIVE sign. I want to know what is potentially lurking in my food choice and if it could be a SPEED BUMP. There may be certain fats or hidden sugars that could STOP my progress.

On my journey to a TOPS healthy lifestyle, nutrition labels are my hidden drive sign.

INFORMATION, no matter how I can get it, is especially important. However, reading a HIDDEN DRIVE label is not always easy. There are many long chemical names that are difficult to pronounce, let alone know what they are.

Despite the difficulty, after using the Exchange Program, I can read enough of the HIDDEN DRIVE sign to help figure out how many starches, proteins, fats, etc. are in a food. Since the beginning, TOPS has been a proponent of healthy, natural food preparation. It is nice to see the rest of the world catching up to TOPS.

With life often exceeding the SPEED LIMIT and FALLING ROCKS getting in the way, it is difficult to eat healthily. It can also be expensive, but you may pay an even higher TOLL AHEAD if you do not try to set new MILE MARKER signs. With the beneficial use of a HIDDEN DRIVE label, I can navigate the eating process and find some good deals.

There is more than ONE WAY to do this. A FLAGGER or SURVEY CREW may provide some useful INFORMATION. TOPS NEWS, the TOPS website and the TOPS YouTube channel have great healthy recipes to help me find ALTERNATE ROUTES.

A HIDDEN DRIVE sign can raise your alert level. Take time to heed the warnings and read the labels, or you can EXPECT DELAYS to a TOPS Healthy Lifestyle. Just follow the signs.


1 thought on “TOPS Healthy Lifestyle: Follow the Signs – Hidden Drive

  1. Thanks Rick for the reminder of the hidden dangers in our food! Always good to remember!! Loving you relation to our weight loss journey and driving!!

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