
TOPS Healthy Living: Follow the Signs – Toll Ahead

My refraction on the phrase “free ride” is that I do not believe it. No matter what I do, there is some type of cost associated with the process. Now, it may not be cash, it may be effort I need to put in, or something owed in kind, such as a favor for a favor. 

On my winding journey toward a healthy lifestyle seeking INFORMATION, there has been a cost, sometimes more than I wanted to spend, and sometimes the costs were hidden. The sooner or quicker you deal with a problem, the less costly it will be. 

This is why the TOLL AHEAD sign is important. Seeing this sign allows me the time to possibly seek ALTERNATE ROUTES, that may be more cost effective. However, I will admit that taking a road with a TOLL AHEAD sign may prove less costly later on … such as, it may be a shorter route, thus saving time and FUEL

Toll Ahead. Seeing this sign allows me the time to possibly seek alternate routes, that may be more cost effective.

It had been this way for many years before I found TOPS. I spent more in trying to lose weight for 20 years prior to TOPS than the last 22 years with TOPS.  

STOP and refract on the costs of obesity. Some that affected me were costly prescription drugs, clothes costing more because I needed to shop in the “big and tall” section, “special” foods to purchase, and fees to belong to other organizations. Two things to disclose, I am not tall, and I did join WW 35 years ago — much more expensive, even back then. 

I so wanted to get healthy quickly. I wanted the teasing and comments that I was lazy to STOP immediately, and was willing to pay anything. So much so, that I did not honor my SPEED LIMIT sign. 

Since my success in TOPS, I no longer need to shop in the “big” section, there are no more costly prescriptions, no “special” foods, nor expensive membership fees. The cost of TOPS is the best value I have ever found. Paying the current toll has proven very cost effective. 

Yes, sometimes the TOLL AHEAD sign may indicate an increase. However, comparing it to ALTERNATE ROUTES, paying a little more now can be a great future savings in other matters.  I consider my health to be a good investment. Being healthy and enjoying life when many thought I would not make it to this age is priceless. 


2 thoughts on “TOPS Healthy Living: Follow the Signs – Toll Ahead

  1. I love this . I am reflecting on the costs to my health at this point! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Absolutely true. I have spent tens of thousands of dollars trying to be slender. I joined TOPS 18 months ago and have been more successful, less stressed and become more educated in healthy lifestyle and eating than I have ever been. Thank You for sharing your insightful words and thoughts.

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