To do something sensibly means taking a rational and practical approach to a situation. Making this move requires information. However, where can you get the facts you need to be sensible? The answer lies in our senses. When asked how many senses there are, most will answer, “Five.” Touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste are the standards. However, depending on…
No matter what we do in life, we are all faced with some type of deadline. April has a famous deadline. If you don’t file your income taxes, you’ll be subject to a major hassle. Other deadlines such as projects at work or school assignments need to be on time. Payments for your car, credit cards, mortgage, and insurance all…
Are You Committed to Commitment?
Do you consider yourself a person that gives it your all? Are you fully devoted when performing a task or taking on a challenge? Are you ready for any situation life throws at you? Are you willing to put in the hard work required? In anything we want to do, we must always apply our best effort. This goes for…
The Measure of Success
How do you measure your success? Management consultant Peter Drucker once said, “You can’t manage what you can’t measure.” Some aspects of success are easy to manage and measure. Wealth, a good job, and social status are some that quickly come to mind. Business owners seek to stay in the black and not in the red. Repeat customers and long…
Mindful Matters
“Life’s a journey” is a common metaphor, encapsulating the thought that the destination is not our final goal. One of my favorite expressions in dealing with my weight loss is that I am on a journey to a healthier lifestyle … a journey that does not end. My ongoing journey is not always smooth, with many bumps along the way.…
Aim for the Stars: Failure is an Option
All the information symbolized by each signpost builds on the next. One is not more important than the other; however, you may need to stay at one post longer than the next. There may be one signpost you favor that will set you on the correct path. The journey may be tough going at times. There may be slips and…
Aim for the Stars: Soaring to Success
There are many steps to take on any given journey. The directions depicted at each signpost continue to guide you on a successful conclusion. We all want to rise to great success, soaring to be above average. Our next-to-the-last signpost, Aquila (the Eagle), symbolizes that desire to gain great heights of success. A writer, Jack White, commented that “Eagles do…