On any journey, no one wants to be left behind, and yet some are reluctant to lead.

This week’s signpost helping us on our journey is the constellation Bootes, the Shepherd. By definition, a shepherd is one who guides or leads in a particular direction.
Who do you think is the shepherd in TOPS? The Board of Directors? The Service Program Administrators? Coordinators, Advocates or Chapter Officers? Headquarters’ staff or me, your president? If you chose one of these options, you would be wrong.
The shepherd you are looking for is you. You are the Bootes of TOPS. You have the ability to lead. The only way to succeed is to roll your sleeves up and dive in.
Think about all the members we have in TOPS. All trying something different and searching what is best from them. That is a lot of data and experience. When we share in our TOPS meetings, we are passing on what we have learned works (or doesn’t work) for us. There is no better teaching tool than trying something and learning from our mistakes.
Now, there is a right way and wrong way to share lessons learned. Sharing requires tact, expressing the desire to support others even if they do not listen to your words. Good shepherds tend to the needs of others without imposing a “my way or the highway” attitude. Passion, knowledge and the ability to communicate make strong leaders. Remember to listen during the process.
Bootes, the shepherd, is also credited for inventing the plow. Be the one that plows the trail for others. Leading by example may have a more powerful positive effect on those around you and make you stronger in your own journey. Be the Bootes of TOPS.

This is part two of the multipart series, “Aim for the Stars.” In my next blog, we’ll bend our eyes toward the constellation Libra.
Missed the beginning of our journey through the constellations? Check out the rest of Aim for the Stars.
if you have any thing i could have a meeting on not to hard please send me
Great analogy. Our chapter leader and officers are the heartbeat of our chapter.