When I joined TOPS over twenty years ago, I did not know how fast or how slow I was going to be at losing weight. Early on I did not know how many pounds I needed to lose, so to map a time limit was just not on my radar.
I soon discovered that there is no SPEED LIMIT for weight loss. To lose weight sensibly, it will take as long as it takes. Sure I had weeks with great losses, but other weeks I was going at a snail’s pace. I saw other members lose weight quickly and wondered what they were doing differently.
Not having a SPEED LIMIT, I lost one hundred and four pounds in fifty-two weeks, hitting my goal on the last week of the year. Although this averaged two pounds a week, I could have easily gone in the ditch if I tried to do something not sensible when I lost “just” a half pound at weigh-in. Also, I could have tried to repeat a loss of four pounds in a week, potentially setting myself up for failure.

My reason for bringing the SPEED LIMIT sign up for discussion is that it is human nature to want to have things done quickly. However, that then leads to losing patience instead of weight. There is a reason that a member will defy a SPEED LIMIT sign and lose weight rapidly. It is the same reason a member will take a long time to reach their goal. That reason is: all members are different.
There is no “silver bullet” in losing weight and there is no set SPEED LIMIT. Weight loss can be rapid at the onset, then slow down or even come to a standstill. This is because life gets in the way, or the plan laid out is not followed through. Or sometimes you followed a plan, but the weight loss just did not happen that week. I will admit that in the weeks when I had a gain, I did say “I do not know how that happened!” but really, I did.
An old proverb pointed out that “Slow and steady wins the race” and I know that achieving a healthier lifestyle is “A marathon, not a sprint.”
If you feel things are progressing too slowly and you will never reach your destination, remember you are picking up valuable INFORMATION along the way. If you are exceeding a SPEED LIMIT, remember SAFETY FIRST and come to a STOP if necessary.
The message is clear that we must follow our own individual SPEED LIMIT.
Rick, thank you for sharing your personal experience with weight loss. Indeed, it’s an individual process when it comes to weight loss. Each of us having individual health needs and individual metabolism and individual emotional and physical health too. It is a step-by-step approach for each of us. I think keeping balance top priority helps tremendously with focus positive path forward toward healthier goals ahead. I appreciate your time you take to put together these posting. Wishing you the very best healthy lifestyle ahead.
Great “Food for thought”. It all makes so much sense and sounds so easy but we all know that is not the case. Having Refracted Fridays as reminders is a great gift you are giving to us all out in Tops land.
Thanks. 🙏
This is only my second week with TOPS, the first week was successful losing 5lbs. Although, I am very happy with this, I do know that in my minds eye that this is too fast a weight loss. Having done weight programs in the pass, I would like to lose weight slow and steady and so far my two meetings at TOPS I have listened and learned some thing. Yesterday, it was said to eat only when hungry and I haven’t done that. So many times I eat just because I am bored. My goal is to become more active with other things and with the help of the meetings I hope to continue to learn and undo a lot of life’s habits.
right now I am at a standstill and thinking of giving up.
Never Quit! Be patient and ask yourself what small changes could you use to see some loss. You can do this, and, a turtles are better than gains!
Don’t give up!!! I stalled for over 10 years in my weight loss journey with TOPS. Had I given up on TOPS I know I would have regained all my pounds lost. I’d done that before with a different group. Not only what I lost but almost twice that amount. I attended meetings and was able to maintain this time. Then someone mentioned a couple of things I could try. Very simple things and I started making progress again. I succeeded in reaching my goal after 15 1/2 years with over 100 pounds lost. It’s been 7 years as a KOPS now. Don’t give up!!!
Thank you for sharing your story. I joined TOPS 8 years ago and did well my first year losing 21 lb. I had a mission to be slimmer for our eldest daughter’s wedding. After that, I lost momentum and started to gain again. At the present time, I’m back on track and have almost reached my previous weight loss. A KOPS member gave me an excellent article called ” It’s a great day for a new beginning”. I read it over and made notes, which I read every day for several weeks. I’m feeling more in control and that is because my motivation is my fuel that lights the fire to keep going. It’s so important not to quit and you are a prime example of that. Congratulations, and be proud of yourself!