variety of water bottles filled with fruit
Take Action

A SENSE-ble Look at Healthy Living: Thirst

I hope you’ve enjoyed this series, and you’re probably thirsting for more. Yes, this installment of a sense-ble look at healthy living is all about the sense of thirst. I was taught that I needed to drink eight glasses of water each day. However, nobody ever said how big the glass was supposed to be. I never really gave much…

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hands taking slices of pizza
Miscellaneous, Persevere, Take Action

A SENSE-ble Look at Healthy Living: Sight

To do something sensibly means taking a rational and practical approach to a situation. Making this move requires information. However, where can you get the facts you need to be sensible? The answer lies in our senses. When asked how many senses there are, most will answer, “Five.” Touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste are the standards. However, depending on…

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hourglasses running out of time
Persevere, Take Action


No matter what we do in life, we are all faced with some type of deadline. April has a famous deadline. If you don’t file your income taxes, you’ll be subject to a major hassle. Other deadlines such as projects at work or school assignments need to be on time. Payments for your car, credit cards, mortgage, and insurance all…

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the constellation Mensa
Take Action

Aim for the Stars: Join Around the Table

We never seem to have enough time. My dad would always say, “With all these modern conveniences, you’d think people would have more time.” I can’t explain why we seem to be so rushed. However, it’s important to try to slow things down and connect with your surroundings. The next signpost on our journey is the constellation Mensa. Mensa is…

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the constellation Hercules
Take Action

Aim for the Stars: Physical Activity

The path to a healthier way of life includes another signpost that some may embrace and others may not. Watching our portions and how we get our calories isn’t enough. Participating in some type of physical activity is important to maintain a balanced way of life. Jumping to conclusions doesn’t count as a physical activity. Hercules is a great signpost…

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