Hi, all! I thought I’d circle back on something today — something we haven’t chatted about since last fall: That membership survey that we asked you to fill out for us in October 2023.
Over here at HQ, we needed to learn some more information: About you, our members — about what you’re reading/thinking about/valuing most when it comes to TOPS; who exactly you are, etc. We needed updated data … and we thought working with a well-respected, third-party company that conducts surveys all day long, was the proper route to take.
Especially coming from someone who leads our Communications and Marketing efforts, it can be tough to craft messaging without having some updated facts and figures. We needed to take a fresh look at our member data — and whether we might be able to make money as an organization in ways other than membership fees or profits from the TOPS Store.
We won’t get into all that today, but there’s a lot going on in the background, when it comes to this survey. And I know — a lot of you might be thinking, “TOPS is a nonprofit organization, why does the bottom line, or the money part, matter anyway?”
We’ve said it before, but we’ll say it again: We still have overhead, salaries to pay, the member magazine to produce, QUITE a few operating costs to ensure that TOPS will stick around another 75 years (and beyond!) And we believe in this organization, this mission, this model, more than we can say. So just know that we’ll likely never be a Fortune 500 company, but we do need to think about the financial stuff, too.
Times are tough out there right now! We know you guys probably feel a difference, even at places like the grocery store. We get it. In order to keep membership costs affordable and low for you friends, we are now looking into some ways we can offset TOPS costs … but that’s about as much as I can say at the moment. Our president Rick touched on this briefly in his “State of TOPS Nation” address earlier this year, as well. And I promise, I don’t mean to say “we’ll be transferring more costs to you,” because that certainly WON’T be the case. Keeping weight loss, and this incredible support network, affordable, is a foundation TOPS is built on.
For now, I just want to extend a sincere THANK YOU to each and every one of you who completed the survey. We will most certainly use your answers to make your TOPS membership more valuable.
I thought I’d share some numbers. 🙂
Some facts and figures to marvel at include …
- People stay with TOPS. The typical (median) length of membership with TOPS is 10 years. Can you believe this? One in four survey respondents (25%) had been a member for 20 years or more. Wowza!
- Word-of-mouth counts … for a lot! Nearly three in five (57%) respondents first learned about TOPS through a friend or family member. About 20% of you learned about the group through word-of-mouth. (Amazing!)
- Accountability matters. More than half (53%) of respondents indicated that finding a program that would hold them accountable with weight loss/healthy lifestyle goals was one of the primary reasons for first joining TOPS.
- Continued support: Three in four (75%) respondents indicated that continued support for losing weight/maintaining a healthy lifestyle is one of the primary reasons for continuing to be a member.
- Meetings and the magazine: Most respondents who are familiar with TOPS programs and services reported that weekly, in-person meetings and TOPS News were the two most important TOPS offerings.
- App feedback: If TOPS were to introduce an app, 71% of respondents would like to use it to scan and find foods, and then obtain those foods’ nutritional information.
The survey, by the way, was sent out to nearly 51,000 TOPS members with email addresses on file. It was conducted from October 18 to October 31, 2023. The survey was closed with 15,604 responses, a 31% response rate.
That is so many responses, you guys. Can NOT thank you enough!
Tell a friend! TOPS is here to stay.
Sending major appreciation from HQ, and more to come soon!
Hello, I am truly disappointed with the fact that Kops, Queens don’t have to weigh in when they think they are over limits till they get back in sometimes 1 month. They also can get up and say their pledge that say they have controlled their emotions but, they haven’t… It doesn’t say much for the TOPS group… There are many that feel the same way. How many women lost their Kops status months before the new rule came into effect.?? When you had to weight in and if out of limits you had 2 weeks or your out.
I have been with Tops for 12 yrs and I have lost 80lbs I know with out Tops and the support I wouldn’t have done it My husband passed away last year March 8 2023 we we together 53 yrs my Tops 0720 was such a wonderful support and is my doctor is now getting the magazine for physicians he has nothing but good to say about Tops he talks to his other patients about.
The response rate is encouraging, as the average to surveys is less than 25%. I’ve been a member since 1997 and the positive changes in the last few years are wonderful!
I reached KOP status and left shortly after Covid happened. I started attending a new group since my former group was not meeting in person. I believe the paperwork is the reason why I no longer want to attend. If TOPS had a short-term program (e.g. 12-16 weeks), without all the doctor notes and red tape, I’d return. I have about 10 pounds to lose, but don’t wish to have to go through all the red tape again. Also, if we are members, I think we should be able to be guests at other meetings. Sometimes we just need to sit in for a boost in morale sometimes. Tops is too rigid and outdated in the way that it is handled.
I am not a young gal, but I know that younger people do not like boring or being tied to things. For me things just got too stale at meetings.