When I travel by car, I am mindful of the first MILE MARKER I see. These green signs posted on major routes are beneficial. Whether I break down and need to let someone know where I am, need to know how close my next exit is or how close I am to the next state border, these signs show my status at any given moment.
On my journey to a healthier lifestyle, there are MILE MARKER signs that are equally beneficial. Naturally, the scale provides many MILE MARKER signs that mark my progress. Another MILE MARKER was when my lab results started to return to normal ranges. An additional sign was when I could stop all prescribed medications but one.
I saw these MILE MARKER signs very quickly once I joined TOPS. Other MILE MARKER signs showed up more infrequently. I needed to challenge myself on other MILE MARKERS that were important but not so dramatic. In other words, what was significant to me may not be as significant to others.
Whether they are called Non-Scale Victories (NSV) or MILE MARKERS, the main point is we cannot only look at the scale for our MILE MARKER signs. That number does not define me or you. A MILE MARKER sign will let you know when to ask for assistance.

Some MILE MARKER signs just show up on their own. Fitting in my clothes better, having an easier time finding clothes and not feeling claustrophobic if my seat at a concert is in the middle of a row are a few. The fear of being ridiculed because of my size no longer invades my thoughts. It might not sound like much but these things caused me great anguish during my pre-TOPS life.
I encourage you to find MILE MARKER signs on your journey to a healthier lifestyle. You are further along in your journey than you think. So, you may not be at your goal weight, but how many of your own MILE MARKER signs have you accumulated on the way?
I do not know how many MILE MARKER signs I will need, nor do I know how many you will need. However, I do know that the first MILE MARKER sign was when we all joined and continued to renew our TOPS membership. A journey does not start without that first step.
the seeds of hope was awesome
I am so grateful for this blog. It’s a treasure hunt of information…these highlighted words lead to this insight which leads to this information which leads to this insight… and on it goes….an embarrassment of insights! Thank you so much.