It’s been a long time since I thought about the Periodic Table of Elements. I was first introduced to this iconic chart in high school and needed to dig in deeper when I studied biology in college. In a refracted look back on those times, I now realize how important it is to truly know the basics. The table arranges all elements in groups, and since each element cannot be broken down any further, it’s as basic as it gets.

Weight loss in the quest of achieving a healthier lifestyle receives much attention from society, advertising, and big business, which includes pharma. I often wonder what’s behind this constant bombardment. Can it be this is a real, complicated problem?
Before I found TOPS, I may have bought into the hype. Don’t get me wrong: losing weight takes great effort, but why all the noise? People will occasionally want to grab a quick fix and fall for false promises that cannot be kept. This, in my opinion, is taking advantage of a vulnerable section of the human population.
The ability to break down a process into small components makes it easier to understand what’s happening and will quickly help find solutions. Attacking a problem in small “bites” may avoid a feeling of despair and prevent reaching for an unsustainable shortcut. This is what Desmond Tutu meant when he described the proper way to eat an elephant — “one bite at a time.” Other sayings along these lines include “Don’t bite off more than you can chew” and “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.”
I’ve stated many times that when TOPS founder left her home to support her friends to be accountable in losing weight, all she had were basic elements. It’s what’s drawn me to the concept of the Periodic Table. I firmly believe that once one understands the “why” and the “how,” it’s easier to do the “what” is needed to accomplish the mission.
I find it very ironic that some of the famous sayings on how to solve a problem use references to eating: “taking a small bite.” With the creation of a Periodic Table of TOPS, maybe we can all just get back to the basics.
There are 118 elements in the original Periodic Table. The last time I saw this table, it was pictured as a shower curtain on one of my favorite sitcoms, The Big Bang Theory. I’m not sure how many elements I’ll cover — it’s going to be a challenge. However, I’m up for the task and will not give up. After all, I’m still working on convincing my wife to replace our shower curtain … I think you know which one I want.
So, this begins the journey of another series of blogs that will drill down to the basics. I’m not sure when it will end, and periodically the journey may take a wide turn. The first element I will discuss is “H” (I think you know where I will be going with that).

This is the introduction to the multipart series, “The Periodic Table of TOPS.” In my next blog, we’ll explore the element H.
This is going to be a phenomenal series of blog posts. Thank you!!
This sounds like an interesting “concept” (for want of a better word – I’ll figure it out “sometime”…)
I’m going back now to look at the above Related Posts.
Exciting concept!
Looking forward to the series Rick, thanks.