Whether or not you were paying attention in high school science class, you likely know that a body in motion will stay in motion. And everywhere I go in TOPS Nation, our members are on the move! I issued the challenge to log 100 million minutes of exercise between May 1 and December 31, and you answered by doing everything from aqua aerobics to Zumba to help us reach our goal (and your own).

I’m calling it a challenge because losing weight and keeping it off is definitely challenging at times. And getting started can be the hardest part. To paraphrase Sir Isaac Newton’s second law of motion: The rate of change (speed) depends on how much force (effort) is applied. Or stated differently: No effort, no change.
The good news is that it’s never too late to get moving. I love the story of a 91-year-old TOPS member who fell in love with tai chi and became an instructor. Members, I urge you to find your own path to fitness as well.
I’m sharing my own walk with TOPS through a public service announcement (PSA). I encourage you to watch and share my PSA and those of other members on social media and to post your own TOPS journey there also. Personal testimonials are among our most powerful advertising. Whatever we do and wherever we go, we’re our own walking billboard. We’re representing TOPS whether we realize it or not.
For many of us, the holidays can be an especially hard time to stay on track. Thankfully, My TOPS Resources at www.tops.org has tracking tools, dietitian-developed recipes, and plenty of tips for handling holiday stress.
This brings us to the third law of motion: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. At times, the family and friends we turn to for support may actually try to slow or stop our forward momentum. It may be outright sabotage or an innocent question such as, “Aren’t you going to have some of this homemade dessert I spent all day making?”
Either way, I urge you to remember our TOPS pledge and stay in motion, moving toward your goals. You’ll get there one minute at a time, and you are worth the effort.
Sincerely TOPS,

Adapted from Rick’s President’s Message column in the November/December 2019 issue of TOPS News.
TOPS News magazine is one of the benefits of an annual TOPS membership. Not a member? Learn more about joining.