Do you consider yourself a person that gives it your all? Are you fully devoted when performing a task or taking on a challenge? Are you ready for any situation life throws at you? Are you willing to put in the hard work required? In anything we want to do, we must always apply our best effort. This goes for everything in our lives: play, school, work, relationships and especially our health.

On the other hand, do you look for the easy way out? If you’re searching for an easier way to complete a task or coast through a relationship, maybe you’re putting your energies in the wrong place. I’ve met people who seem to be always working harder at not working. They haven’t learned to focus on the problem at hand, wasting precious time trying to find a simple solution.
When it comes to weight loss and obtaining a healthier lifestyle, it takes being committed to a commitment. There are no easy roads to take. However, there are many “experts” out there selling false hopes for an easier path.
I advise caution if you think that losing weight can be achieved without commitment. Since there are no magic powders to sprinkle on our food to take away the calories, you must commit to making the right choices. Even if someone sends you your meals “ready-to-eat,” those fancy boxes aren’t sent to your family functions or favorite restaurant. You need to practice your own portion control. You have to make that promise to stay the course, making the right choices at the right time.
There are also no magical machines to help you lose weight. Purchasing a piece of equipment to hang your clothes on won’t help you get healthier. No one can exercise for you. You have to make the right steps yourself.
If success comes easy with no commitment, how can success be sustained? What do we learn? Hard work is a great teacher. That sense of accomplishment after giving it your all is what will sustain your progress.
Once you have done your best, then you can rest. If you are truly honest with yourself and you have devoted yourself to the cause, then you have committed yourself to your commitment.

very good program
An excellent article! Commitment is the key. If you’re not ready to give it your all, then you’re not ready. I think we owe it to ourselves, and our families, to be the heathiest we can be. Today is the day!! Thanks Rick.