In elementary school, I loved English and reading classes and in high school, I took AP English and always read ahead because I just couldn’t stop. In college, I double-majored in multimedia journalism and public relations (and minored in political science, but who’s counting?) at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh to continue my trend of hopefully getting to read and write every day as a career.

When I saw the job posting at TOPS Club for a communications specialist, I thought I might apply, and then when I read the rest of the description, I knew I had to apply because it combined every aspect of my classes, internship and on-campus jobs that I enjoyed. Then when I had my first interview with Michelle, I knew I wanted this job so badly to be able to work for her and this unique and amazing company. Luckily for me, I got a call in November saying I got the job! I’m 22 years old, so this is my first “big girl” job, and after being here for just a short time, it’s safe to say that I’m loving it because I get to read and write every day like I wanted.
When I’m not reading and writing every day for work, I’m likely sitting on my couch with either of my two cats Chimi or Little Man (who, by the way, is quite the opposite of little) and a good book (my goal this year is 50 books, I beat it last year so hopefully I can keep it up) with the background noise of my boyfriend of six years (I’m also wondering where my ring is) probably playing video games. Otherwise, I’m in the kitchen baking cookies (snickerdoodles and peanut butter blossoms are my specialties) as I’m the appointed Wojcik-Kretchmer family baker, at Target because I have an addiction to it or watching Gilmore Girls, Harry Potter (any of the eight movies – I can quote pretty much every one from heart) or football.

I’m very excited for this opportunity and I’m looking forward to hearing more about TOPS and from our members as I go. My inbox is always open for any stories you think would go well in TOPS News or as a blog post, questions, any good recipes you might have (I’m a better baker than cook, but if you think I can handle it, I’ll try my best) and anything else you can think of. Let’s get TOPSy Turvy!
That’s all folks,
I can’t believe I missed this! How spoiled we are with technology that if no one sends me a nudge into my inbox, things pass me by. You are obviously the perfect person for this job and all the more so because you love what you do. Welcome aboard!! I look forward to keeping up with your blogs.
Thank you so much! I’m so looking forward to getting to know TOPS and the members more this year 🙂
Welcome Lexi!!
Loooooved your intro And pictures!
Excited to follow a talented young lady!
I’m in TOPS since 1-1992!!
In the past 3-4 yrs.. weight loss for me took off!
Currently working on the “2nd” 100 lb loss.
Mn#950 Litchfield
Wow, that’s an amazing accomplishment! Thanks for the warm welcome☺️
WELCOME to the family Lexi. I hope you enjoy working for TOPS as much as I do. We are a unique organization. I look forward to meeting you sometime in the future. You sound perfect for this job. ENJOY
Best wishes on your new position. We have tons of interesting stories awaiting you from our members. 👍🎉🎈
Thank you so much! So excited to learn more about our members!!
Hey Lexi! So glad you are on board with TOPS Club, Inc. Michelle is an awesome communications director as you have said. I am really looking forward to your writing and sharing what is happening in our area of Michigan. I hope to meet you in person the weekend of October 19-22. BTW, I have two cats as well. Trini (Trinidad) and Toby (Tobago) that drive me nuts when I am at my desk doing TOPS work!
Hopefully I’ll see you in October! Cats are the best but they drive me crazy in the best way
Lexi, welcome I looks forward to getting to read your Topsy turvy news whenever it comes out!
Thanks so much!
Welcome to TOPS!! it is a fabulous organization. From Agnes at 3907 Dawson Creek BC
Thank you so much, I’m happy to be here and getting to know more members!
Congratulations and welcome to “Tops World”!! You are very blessed to have such a dream job so early in your career. I look forward to getting to know you better from your writing. PS I also have a grand daughter Lexi who is a writer!
Thank you! I do feel very lucky that I found this job and the people of TOPS☺️ Writing must be a Lexi thing, great minds think alike
I am excited about the up coming event in the State of Idaho. SRD. (State Recognition Day
“E3” Energize, Engage, Encourage June 8,9,& 10 at the CDA (Coeur D”Alene Tribal Casino in Whorley Idaho. Everyone is invited! On line members of Tops will have a special place. Please contact Nancy for more information,at