We often hear that losing weight is an uphill battle. Climbing mountains takes effort, training and conditioning. It also requires perseverance and teamwork. It’s no different from our quest to reach KOPS Mountain.

Some folks take their time with the climb. Others race to the top. Some can stay on top for a long time. Others enjoy the view for a moment but soon fall off.
If events in your life have sent you tumbling down the mountain, I encourage you to embrace it. Own it. Share it. Being candid with each other is so important. That’s how we get the support and accountability we need so we can keep climbing.
I’ve made the climb up KOPS Mountain six times, and I’m working on my seventh. I’m not ashamed to admit I struggle. The reasons for my falls are varied, but I’ve learned that making excuses doesn’t help. I use the support of TOPS to help me understand what’s happening instead of looking for someone to take away the burden.
It’s up to me to take lessons learned on my trips and apply them to whatever life throws my way that day. It’s about the climb. Sometimes, as I make my way back up the mountain, I wander around and get complacent. However, eventually, I get moving again, with help from TOPS tools, including TOPS News.
Whether it’s your first time up the mountain or a repeat trip, I’ll see you on the trail. I can tell you from experience that the view from the top of KOPS Mountain is wonderful. It’s a fantastic, inspirational feeling.
Sincerely TOPS,

Adapted from Rick’s President’s Message column in the July/August 2020 issue of TOPS News.
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Very inspiring Rick!
I actually recently listened to a song “The Climb” by Miley Cyrus and while listening to it thought about my own personal TOPS journey. Then I read your post and I couldn’t help thinking how perfect that song fits to what you wrote!