Membership Drive

‘4 or more’ challenge for June: Bunco time!

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Have you guys heard of a game called Bunco?

I sure hadn’t — but that’s not entirely surprising, considering I’m not really a “games” type of person. I was recently on a little wine tour of this particular region in Wisconsin, and the women I was day-tripping with, at one point asked, “Who wants to play cards?”

This is a nightmare situation for me. I’d rather chit-chat mindlessly; I don’t want some silly game in the way, where we have to worry about rules. But everyone seemed really into the idea, so I offered up, “Do we play Euchre around here? That’s the only card game I know.”

That’s very Michigan of me, or at least, that’s what I thought — but to my surprise, most of my Wisconsin gal pals knew the game too, so that was perfect! And speaking of my Michigan roots, that brings us to another Mitten State gem: TOPS Coordinator Kim Murdough. Speaking of games, she was the one who introduced me to concept of Bunco, and/or “hosting a Bunco party,” last year.

We’ve talked about the idea in our monthly Publicity Volunteer calls (and if you’re a person who’s interested in spreading the word about TOPS, and the phrase “publicity volunteer” piques your interest, please, contact your Coordinator!), but really — the Bunco thing is SUCH a good concept. I thought I’d share it here with you guys, in case you’d like to follow suit!

Bunco is a game you play with dice, according to Google; and I’ll be honest, I’ll probably NEVER play it, but this isn’t about me! 😉

It does seem fun, if you’re into games — so the TOPS idea is, and this is your June challenge for “4 or more!”, you’re going to host a Bunco party, or a game night-type of a situation, at a local community center or adjacent location.

Fundraiser and an opportunity to share about their chapter with fam + friends of members, invited to attend – lots of versions of the game, through the game you’re changing partners, meeting diff people, so it’s a mingler – members provide low-fat/low-calorie finger foods. Snack foods/healthy, gives people an opportunity to bring a healthy alternative. introduce some foods. cost is $5 to come and play, start with snacks at 6, 630 game play. done by 8. take a break in between, and Kim shares about TOPS. with scorecard, we give a brochure. they make it clear that this isn’t a sit-down dinner or anything. when an invite is under the guise of having fun, easier to come. rather than “first meeting”. they do this twice a year, once to coincide with Halloween and St. Patrick’s Day. they do door-prize drawing and such … members help donate prizes. Kim prints flyers for her own chapter, just so they have the date and the logistics, and then so they can spread the word to friends + fam

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