Real People. Real Weight Loss.®

Helping Millions to Take Off Pounds Sensibly Since 1948.

Real People … TOPS Winners

We are almost at the halfway point in our Personal Positive Vocabulary journey through the alphabet today. As I was thinking about the next letter, which happens to be “M,” my mailman delivered my TOPS News. May I say that it is MAGNIFICENT, MOTIVATING, and filled with over a MILLION REASONS to celebrate TOPS!

So let’s take a break, sit back and enjoy all this issue contains. It is definitely chock-full of tips, tools and inspiration. My hat is off to our awesome members and dedicated staff! Check out the success stories and photos of our International Royalty and Division Winners and be inspired as I am. Our International King is 30, and our International Queen is 93. Making a lifestyle change is possible at any age! What a joy these folks are! They, as many of our other winners, share their stories in video on All the area winners in our Million Pounds Mission contest are listed.

Of course, there are feature articles to discuss at chapter that will inform and empower our personal journeys and keep our meetings focused on why all of us joined TOPS. We have a mission to help and support each other in living healthier, more active lives and in a challenge from our President, Rick Danforth to be a “change maker.” This involves MOTIVATING MORE MIGHT-BE MEMBERS by bringing a friend, family member or acquaintance in need of TOPS support to chapter with you. The gift of improved health is priceless. TOPS works best when everyone is involved at every level.

Then, I looked at all the “extras” available when I checked out my online copy of TOPS News. Wow!! There are templates for creating eight new badges and certificates—one focuses on consistent losses, and the other seven celebrate non-scale victories! What terrific ideas to refresh our spirits at chapter.

I look forward to hearing what you enjoyed most in this MONUMENTAL issue of TOPS News.

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