Real People. Real Weight Loss.®

Helping Millions to Take Off Pounds Sensibly Since 1948.

Real People… Really Contagious

Having been involved with children and their activities for many years, I have observed so many things that we carry into adulthood. While colds and childhood illness are definitely contagious, talent, experience and the willingness to practice are not. I have learned one thing for sure–Attitude is catching! When a child keeps trying and begins to master a skill, the other kids imitate him. I watched a group of little boys learn to ride bikes one magical afternoon in just this way. On the other hand, a member of the group with a bad attitude can be toxic, infecting all those around him. Taking up one’s marbles and going home definitely has a negative impact on all!

Angry Man with multiple thumbs down

Applying this to TOPS team efforts, I have seen the attitudes of one or two members lift a chapter to greater heights; and I have seen one or two virtually ruin the group. One of the greatest challenges comes when the most successful members are the ones with the worst attitudes. We must encourage the most successful members of the chapter to actively mentor others and genuinely offer help and support. A proactive, I-believe-in-you approach is so important since their attitudes greatly impact the success of the rest of the group. Being encouragers of change and believers in the ability to change sends an empowering message to all still looking for their personal path to better health. Just like on a sports team, the role individual attitudes play in the success of our TOPS team is contagious.

Those striving to achieve success need to remain open to coaching and suggestion from those who are doing well. Those who are successful need to temper their remarks with an understanding of unique personal differences. Thinly disguised “joking” remarks often hurt. There is no place for such in a support group. However, we should make certain not to excuse inaction or enable counterproductive behaviors. The right attitude is not necessarily one that agrees with mine. Rather it is one that believes in the possibility of success for each of us in our own way and time.

You cannot build yourself up at the expense of tearing someone else down. Most importantly, in every interaction we share, whether at our chapter meeting or during the week, all should walk away feeling better. We must each take responsibility for our attitude. If I want today to be a good day, I need to take charge of the way I look at it. Such a positive attitude is absolutely contagious! Let’s all make certain that we have an attitude worth catching!

I Care, Barb

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