Real People. Real Weight Loss.®

Helping Millions to Take Off Pounds Sensibly Since 1948.

Real People… Real Mind Power

Every thought that goes into your mind has an effect to some degree. Whatever you put into your mind becomes a part of the total you. For example, had you been born in China, spoke the Chinese language and listened to Chinese ideology all of your life, you would in fact be Chinese because you are the sum total of what goes into your mind. The statement, if you do not live the life you believe….you will believe the life you live, is far more than a cliché. Every action you take and every thought you put into your mind is going to have its effect.

Recognize the importance of what you put into your mind

I remember one of my sons had been battling infection in his tonsils for several years. Finally, an operation was scheduled to remove the tonsils. The doctors talked with him at length about the discomfort he would feel as a result of the surgery but reassured him that he would be given all the ice cream he wanted to soothe that discomfort. After putting him to sleep, they ran the test and decided that the operation was unnecessary at this time. So, they didn’t remove the tonsils and wheeled him into recovery. When he awoke, the first thing he squeaked was, “Oh, my throat. Oh, it hurts. Oh, I feel so bad. Oh, I need ice cream!” When he was told they had not performed the surgery, he was a little embarrassed and a lot miffed! Obviously, he went to sleep expecting to be hurting, and that is exactly what he did. In his mind, his pains were just as real as if the operation had been performed.

Recognize the importance of what you put into your mind. People who live in a negative environment expect the worst and are seldom disappointed. When we plant a negative, we will reap a negative. Conversely, people whose who perceive their world as a positive place, tend to expect the best and are also rarely disappointed. When we cultivate a positive, we harvest a positive. Psychologists have long understood that you will be enthusiastic if you act enthusiastically. This is the starting point! Assume a trait or characteristic you desire and you will possess it. You grab it…and then it will grab you!

Expect the best. You deserve it!

I care, Barb

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