Real People. Real Weight Loss.®

Helping Millions to Take Off Pounds Sensibly Since 1948.

Real People… Real Excellence

Is doing what everyone else is doing your goal? Most people are not obtaining results that are considered extraordinary. If our thinking is causing us to do what everyone else is doing, we are only contributing to the “average”. Even if we are contributing to the average at a high level, it is still…well…average!

These words, taken loosely from The Noticer Returns by Andy Andrews, remind me that in order to produce results that are wildly beyond the average, we cannot think like average people. We cannot act like average people act. Think about it. Do you want to be average? Do you want an average marriage? Do you want to raise average children? Do want an average spiritual life and an average amount of influence for good in your community? Do you want average success at losing weight? I hope the answers to all of the above questions was “no”.

IRD Milwaukee WI 2014

Throughout our international recognition days event, I had the delight of witnessing “excellence”. So many wonderful and amazing people gathered together to share and inspire others to that same level of accomplishment. Many of us listened intently, cheered loudly and applauded with gusto. Now as we journey forward, let’s determine to encourage each other every day. Let’s be unwilling to settle for average, opting instead for extraordinary efforts and results in one particular aspect of our lives. We have the choice to create results within our lives that are wildly beyond the average.

Instead of settling for the merely average, why not strive for the excellence. I, for one, have decided to not have “just another day” today. I think I will have an excellent day! What kind of day will you have? TOPS challenge of a million pounds lost is within our grasp when all of us join in an excellent effort. Let’s go for it!

I Care, Barb

Excellence is never an accident

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