Real People. Real Weight Loss.®

Helping Millions to Take Off Pounds Sensibly Since 1948.

Real People… Real Best Effort

Pie Man and #Beat the Treats

A great competitor welcomes worthy opponents and the hard battle and defines success, first and foremost, as performing at his best when his very best is needed. A great leader teaches the organization to do the same. He also teaches that the “score” will then take care of itself. The struggle itself…the journey…is what gives value to the prize and is something in which the truly great competitive leader revels.

During a time of the year when food is so much at the center of gatherings and events, we who are struggling to live healthily definitely face some challenging conflicts. All of the practice we have put in at healthy eating and regular activity will be called into play now. The more actively involved we have been in the months of change-making choices, the more we have learned through the process. Success is not defined by winning or denied by defeat. Success is being your best when your best is required. Preparation is the prelude to being at your best. I love the following phrase, coined by legendary basketball coach John Wooden, “Personal greatness is not determined by the size of the job, but by the size of the effort that one puts into the job. This applies to everyone on the team.”

Competitive greatness is a goal that is beyond victory and a standard that is above winning. There is a joy derived from the struggle itself…the journey…because only in that great effort of preparation and performance is there opportunity to bring forth your best, a personal greatness that cannot be diminished or dismissed because of a final score or the bottom line. Everything that you have done to this point empowers you to push through all challenges. You have prepared, and you will make it through.

The clock is ticking down to gravy, buttery starchy standbys like mashed potatoes, and a parade of, pies, cookies, cakes and the like.


I care, Barb

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